Pumping, Pumping, God this sucks.
My breast feel like rocks.
Hook up Like I'm some kind of cow,
But my milk is so precious cause now,
Is the last time I'll be making any
For my baby "the grand finale."
So since it's so important to me,
And giving you food that keeps you healthy.
I'll stay right here and keep on pumping, pumping, pumping.
By: Areyousureaboutthatblog author
may not be reproduced without permission.
The Story behind the poem:
I successfully nursed all three of my children. I read once:
if your baby gets even a few drops, you have nursed successfully.
if your baby gets even one breast feeding a day, you have nursed successfully.
if your baby latches on, you have nursed successfully.
if your baby gets a partial breast feeding, you have nursed successfully.

(My daughter would always tuck her feet near my knees as she nursed to sleep All.The.Time. She is two years old now and still does this when shes sleeping in our bed!)
For a gung ho mom like me this was a lot to swallow. Not going all 100% - new definitions can give sanity. I had hardship during nursing my older son. But I still reflect on the moments I did nurse. When I was successful. And HOW MUCH I LEARNED in the process. In my post on Breastfeeding tips, I listed all the learnings and little details that helped me during what can be such a challenging time.
Pumping is one of the worst things ever. Its so unnatural. However, many moms can work and provide nourishment, the "liquid gold," for their baby... and that's tremendous success.
After I wrote this while pumping. I stopped. I decided I would only nurse my daughter, as a stay at home mom this was possible. And I wouldn't do anything to "increase my milk supply" because my daughter would drive that process. She would nurse more frequently or earlier when she needed more food. And when I made that decision, some of my sanity came back.
Make Mistakes. Breath, Reflect. and Laugh.Out.Loud
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