Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Shopping Lists: Thanksgiving and Christmas Annual Shopping List for Cooking and Baking our Traditional Dishes

Menus thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes these are my shopping lists. I need to keep them in a secondary location and I like to share...


Corn chowder
Butternut squash soup or casserole with chinese spice and creme fresh
Candied ham
Sweet or mashed potatoes
Apple pie or apple strudel
Sweet wine


Mushroom soup
Polish vegetable salad
Rugelach roll - try
Spritz cookies
Gingerbread cookies
Chocolate chi cookies
Egg big w cognac

Baking Shopping list
2 bags sugar
2 bags flour
3 packs 1lb butter
2 bags chocolate chips
1can lg poppy seed filling
3 type mushrooms 2-3lbs
Sour cream
Check seasonings: nutmeg, Ginger powder, all spice, etc.
1 gallon milk
3 packs eggs
2 qts heavy whipping cream
2 cups cognac
1cup rum
2 cups whiskey
Add rugelah needs
Add salmon needs
Add apple pie needs
Soups, etc

New years brunch
Poached eggs
Pick a new recipe every year



Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>> 


Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Kids Shoes for the Very Young Under 2 year old crowd

When my munchkins were little I really took time to think about their little feet and best bets for when they learn to walk.

The Mix of advice from the grandmas and the experts helped me make my mommy plan.

Barefoot is best. 

In safe places where we know there is no glass or HOT ground (in summer), well you can find us barefoot. The days gone by that meant - for my grandmas generation - you were too poor to own shoes. To her horror I let my kids run around barefoot, and they run fast!!

Mommy too walks barefoot whenever I can. In the yard we are constantly barefoot.

In the house we can be barefoot or with house slippers. 

We dont tend to wear socks or shoes at home to prevent bacteria from transferring indoors. We also dont wear socks on bare floors due to slip and fall danger.

Always be sensible about kids feet. 

Shoes matter for long lifetime impact and a pain free life. Stride rites are a great brand, as are Hannah Anderson. However sometimes the trendy design like a boot or clog is just too difficult to flex their foot in and makes tripping easy.

Stylish is fun, but comfortable is first.

We do not, ever, wear flip flops. Not for mom or the kids. Slides have a tendency to make kids trip when the tips get folded under. Flip flops flip right off when running and making scrapes so much more common. Gym shoes for running activities are always a great choice, for the 3 tear old and up crowd. But what a out the 2 year old and under kids. For these soft soles with snug fits are great for foot formation AND comfort.

As for Shoe Brands for kids:

'Skidders' are great for under 2YO -- rubber bottom and sock top. 

Great for in and outdoors w safety non skid. These flexible shoes allow babies feet to grip and get a good feel for standing and those first steps.

Also great for little feet are Soft sole leather bottoms with soft tops: 'Robeez' -- We loved them. 

These are fab for dry weather in and outdoors, altho use caution on playgrounds. The leather or soft bottoms can be slippery on some jungle gyms at the park. But for a walk around the block on cement is perfect.

Then the 3+ crowd believe it or not I love 'crocs.' 

As long as they are sized perfectly. Kids can put them on and off, and manage them alone. We are croc converts! Great for their foot shape growth, as long as they are snug. When we have hikes or we trek in wet and dry conditions like running thru sprinklers, snug crocs are a safe bet, and more durable them the more common "wet socks" or snug wet shoes that I have found fall apart after use in a season around chlorine water mix.

Where to buy?

Frequently you can find these in big box over run stores like Big Lots or TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Target recently carries Skidders.

For off mark brands, check the sole attachment and make sure the glue is durable. No separation should occur with slight pressure from your fingers. And when you do find the shoes on sale, but 1 size up for next year. You'll be thankful your not scrambling for another shoes when that growth spurt happens.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

You learn as you go

You learn as you go.

My older son is now 7 and I have come to realize some mistakes I've made in raising him. 

When I wrote the blog below on a schedule for toddlers, I was very proud of the fact that I limited his TV tube time. He actually didnt watch any TV or kids videos until he was almost 3. This was before iPhone an IPad too. And now I realize that was a big mistake.

Routine keep me sane!

See our family routine in this post. And the original MIMIT KIDS TV SCHEDULE Routine post here. And more ponderings on the schedule here.  

Our youngest son did get some TV before age 2, mostly watching along side his brothers TV/tube time. So the youngest had early exposure to television.

Nowadays when my kids do get to watch TV for Friday movie night or cartoons on Saturday morning, the older one is completely plugged in (or zoned out). While the 3 year old can tune in and out to come get a drink from the kitchen and even gets bored with the shows. 

If I had to do it all again, I'd follow our new routine.

After we drop off the older one at school, my younger kids get 1 (one) hour of TV in the morning (which is public television cartoons like sesame street) without those commercials that are so awesome for kids who react with "I want that!" This way the kids get to relax and enjoy some TV time before we move on with our daily activities.  There is still almost no TV during the school week for the older one, except one 1/2 hour program (our play on the iPad) after homework and responsibilities are complete. 

Kids new that time to unwind, or wake up. And just like adults need to zone out sometimes, so do kids. 


Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>> 


Make mistakes. Breathe. Reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Teacher Gifts. 5 ideas for teacher gifts you haven't seen

Teacher Gifts - 5 ideas for teacher gifts you haven't seen. Because all teachers are awesome. 

And while they love the coffee certificates, and plants, and home made gifts (not so much) and WINE! Lotsa Wine! ... these ideas may take your teacher love to the next level. Let's see what "Teacher Gifts. 5 ideas for teacher gifts you haven't seen" for this years teacher appreciation week. 

TEACHER GIFTS you haven't seen.

Treasure Chest

Provide each child with a small envelope and ask the family to contribute a summer 'treasure'.

It can be anything - an inspirational quote, a thank you note, a small toy, photo, movie tickets, or even a gift certificate to your favorite local book store, restaurant or salon. Package the sealed envelopes in a toy treasure box (or a box with a photo of a treasure chest) add chocolate coins and present it to the teacher with this note:

"We've treasured your teaching all year long. 
Please enjoy these small treasures from all of us. 
(Opening one per day this summer takes more patience, but brings more delight!)"

Summer Reading Escape

Ask parents to provide their favorite gently used books and magazines.

Package them in a colorful beach tote with a new beach towel, sunscreen and water bottle. If your class is the cash-gathering kind, purchase a Kindle or Nook and an online gift certificate.

(Use VolunteerSpot's FREE ONLINE SIGN UP SHEET to request your group donation and reminders will be automatic and easy!) 

Garden Gadgets

If you're teacher is a gardener, ask members of the class to donate seed packets, garden tools or small gift certificates to a home and garden supply store.

Package the gifts in a large watering can with a bow and a potted plant. (VolunteerSpot Tip: Use this theme idea and replicate with other hobbies - art baskets, cooking supplies, etc.) 

Thank You Bouquet

Teachers will tell you when asked, the thing they appreciated most (over another candle, or school-themed trinket), was a simple thank you note.

  1. Send two colorful index cards home with each child. 
  2. Write one thank you note yourself and have your child write one too - be sure to make it personal (sentence starters below). 
  3. Gather up all the notecards and assemble them in a colorful basket with a foam bottom. 
  4. Use florist note-card holder picks to hold the thank you cards. (Supplies available at any craft store). Parents may want to include photos or gift cards also. 
You're extra special because...
Thank you for...
I love how you... 
This year you've taught me...
This gift can easily be stepped up with Gift Certificates. We have one class take up a collection of certificates for a Teacher who was getting married. From $5 Home Depot cards and Amazon gift cards, to the PTO collection. She was truly touched and it was an EPIC Staff Wedding Gift. 

A Few Hours Off

Things get stressful towards the end of the year with tests and all the kids getting antsy for summer vacation.

Ask parents to take turns helping in the classroom. Suggestions might include: organizing a reading circle, hosting an end of the year party (starring parents), or helping with end-of-year packing and moving teacher supplies from the classroom.

Make the end of the school year a celebration, not just because your kids are escaping school! Remember the good times of the past year, and thank their teacher for their hard work.

Remember anything you give is appreciated and memorable. Event a little note to say "Thanks!"

Make mistakes. Breathe, reflect and laugh out loud! 
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