Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Clay-Doh project to Mold, and paint: Turns Out All Glues are NOT the Same

I found this great craft idea to make a play doh that you can stir into a dough and then mold or use cookie cutters to shape it and then it dries hard.

I went digging for some information on glues, after all I only had Elmer's white school glue at home. I became fascinated reading an article on how all these glues are not the same.

The article specifically lists that you should use PVA glue. I googled some search terms and "if Elmers School Glue is PVA glue." It is NOT. Elmer's adds all sorts of stuff to its glue causing it not to dry the same and have the same properties as PVA glue. If you want a pretty simple explanation on glues this article is great (wood/PVA glue, gorilla glues/epoxies, etc).

I only blogged about this "glue article" because it really is interesting stuff, especially when you want projects NOT to fail, unlike the one I blogged about here! And I believe in keeping informed on changing advice, and learning new things everyday, I blogged about the importance in Keeping up with said changing advice here.

Homemade White Clay: Why we need to Fail with our kids by areyousureaboutthatblog
Homemade White Clay: Why we need to Fail with our kids, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Project Fail, White Clay Dough

I had a Really Hard Week!

That's it. This week was exceptionally difficult. I don't think it was any more or less challenging in any specific way. It could be the winter months are dragging on and on. It could be I see my kids growing right in front of me (which means time is flying by and MORE isn't getting dine). It could be the blues. It could be the exhaustion of dealing with family issues NOT within my household. Today was just hard!

Baby Girl After Nursing. We were Both Sleepy
Today was a really hard week and we are just exhausted!

Original Post November, 2014

Make Mistakes. Breathe, Reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Banned for Life, Why the NBA is just Like a Mom who says "You Can't Play with Your Toys"

Banned for Life, Why the NBA is just Like a Mom who says "You Can't Play with Your Toys"

When my kids get a little crazy, and simply cannot follow the rules, sometimes mommy has to implement a punishment. Ad I don't mean the occasional name calling and subtle teasing. These consequences usually happen after being together for a week, like when during Spring Break after the newness of being ALL together again wears off and instead we get on each others nerves in a major way. In these instances the everyday "take a break in your room" or "please use inside voices" doesn't cut it. Because the behaviors of yelling at each other or calling names to intentionally hurt each others feelings repeat everyday. I personally am not a fan of consequences but they are unfortunately necessary to help learn important life lessons. And the more serious and swift consequences has an interesting effect on our familial unit.

I tell my kids they "can't play in the toy room for 2 days." It's not that I am taking their toys AWAY. Because my older son, who saves his various birthday and other money gifts, in his mind he can buy himself a new toy/s. Instead I am taking away their "power of play." They CANNOT PLAY with their toys... And that so much worse!

As we know adult men, I'm stereotyping, love their toys. Especially playing with their toys. So taking away their ability to play with said toy IS TORTURE!! My kids pace in front of their toy room, looking over the gate, pointing out a particular favorite to their sibling, asking "how soon until the toy room reopened?" Their toys are RIGHT THERE, just over the threshold, within their reach every day, but they ARE NOT ALLOWED to play.

The interesting affect this "Cannot Play" consequence has on our kids is they unite.   They unite in their sadness of the consequence. They commiserate in their feelings. And eventually they reflect on what caused the consequence and apologize for their needless behavior (okay, mostly mommy prompts this last part). I have come to appreciate consequences NOT as a punishment, but for the end result of a united family.

Banned for Life, Why the NBA is just Like a Mom who says "You Can't Play with Your Toys" by areyousureaboutthatblog
Banned for Life, Why the NBA is just Like a Mom who says "You Can't Play with Your Toys", a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr. Top: NBA Los Angeles Clippers Owner Donald Sterling and the Clippers logo from TMZ. Bottom: Our Toy Room Immediately after the "You Can't Play with your Toys" punishment is implemented, my kids view of the close yet unobtainable toys.

Now imagine this "No playing with your toys, EVER! You are Banned FOR LIFE." punishment? My kids normally do not through tantrums and they would be kicking and screaming on the floor!!! And that's what he NBA commissioner did to L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling with their Lifetime Ban, you can't play with our toys. Now the commissioner can't actually take Donald's toys away (even tho he is gonna try). And yes, Donald can buy news toys. But he has publically been embarrassed and shut out from playing with our toys!

All the while this punishment does the most important and truly only function that is important, it creates a united family in the NBA Organization! The punishment to Sterling isn't so much a punishment for him, as it is to unite the NBA players, coaches, employees and officials - saying we are united AGAINST racist behavior in our group. PERIOD.

The remaining racists in the NBA will be temporarily closeted. And frankly, as I also see with my kids, there will be a change in behaviors. There will still be racists, however they will attempt to control themselves a little more due to the swift and firm punishment publically issued today. Societies change, slowly. Policies and our actions related to racism also change slowly. But we DO CHANGE, in every generation making some progress partially because of PUBLIC DECISIONS like the NBA Commissioner shared today. Racism will not be tolerated in our family!

Thank you NBA Commissioner for ousting a member of our family who was not playing nice, and not being professional, and not allowing his racist comments to go unpunished. Donald Sterling can buy different toys, but he can't play with ours!

I recently blogged about "Banned for Life, How to punish the Rich and Powerful." And I realized that the NBA punishment issued today is no different then when I need to make some serious consequence decisions for my kids. I take their power away, to help guide them to some better decisions.

Original post April 29, 2014

Make Mistakes. Breathe, Reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud

Banned for Life, How to Punish the Rich and Powerful

Banned for Life, How to punish the Rich and Powerful.

Recently the NBA owner of the L.A. Clippers, Donald Sterling was secretly recorded making racist remarks to his (ironically mixed race half Black) girlfriend. When people in high level powerful positions in this country make a public statement (or something that "gets out") they are usually dealt with in a manner expected to temper public feelings and address the perception of wrongness.

What can we do with people like Sterling? Can we make him attend a "learn how not to be a racist" class? Of course not, nor will punishing him likely change his behavior or his opinions. But the Punishment issued today is not just for Sterling, as it has been perceived in the media as trying to hurt him in someway. With many debating is the punishment enough? In these cases the punishment will never "be enough." However the Lifetime Ban did achieve two things in the progress against people like Sterling and for the NBA.

Mostly, the NBA Commissioners handing down of a Lifetime Ban from the NBA today was not so much a punishment for Donald Sterling, as it was meant to show a united front on the part of the NBA familyWe the NBA and our players, coaches, employees and owners will NOT ALLOW RACISM in our family! PERIOD!  I also blogged about how punishment and "Not letting my kids play with their toys" helps my kids UNITE, not too different from the NBA.) It's team unity that American sports function on. Equality in sports is not just an idea, but something all national sports organizations survive and thrive on. Equal players playing at the best of their ability so the best team wins. We don't compare race at the end of the game. We compare stats, height, rebounds, assists, fouls and points. 

The NBA owners and employees know they can't truly hurt Sterling, or take away Sterling's loads of money in a financial punishment. The only way to hurt a rich and powerful person is to take away their power, and that's what the NBA Commissioner did today.

The NBA Commissioner, implemented a swift action to keep the members of the  NBA family united and to work in place. The action had to be immediate because this is a Living, Breathing, now public, issue. Swift action was required before players and coaches revolted beyond the reverse jersey protest of the Clippers team.  The removal of power was complete. The NBA removed ALL of Donald Sterlings rights and decision making controls in his ownership of the Clippers. All his "ownership powers" were impacted. Not only does he get a Lifetime Ban from attending games, more importantly, he cannot make any decisions related to his position, players, teams, or NBA related matters. What good is ownership without power? Men like him thrive on power, therefore "cutting him off at the knees" was ideal.

Racism however silent, exists. As many know it is often swept under the rug because it cannot be proven and frankly, all too frequently nothing can be done about racist remarks. In the case of Donald Sterling he has a history of racism, in personal and business matters. Publicly discussed law suits have addressed his racist remarks and business decisions. Basically, going into this NBA Ban related issue, he wasn't an innocent man. I've read thru Facebook and in the media his cases just added fuel to the "Sterling fire." In a court of law these other cases lend credibility to his character and matter, but in the court of public opinion, whom the NBA needs to satisfy, this is irrelevant.

Banned for Life, How to Punish the Rich and Powerful by areyousureaboutthatblog
Banned for Life, How to Punish the Rich and Powerful, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Yes the recording was made in secret, but nonetheless the racist remarks were picked up by big media. And just because we have privacy rights, those rights don't erase such comments for a person in a powerful position in the public eye. Public figures know that with their position comes responsibility and a loss of some privacy as is in the current media environment. As for his well financially maintained girlfriend, yes she's a questionable person, but her benefiting financially from their relationship is nothing new. And frankly, again, this is irrelevant. If Sterling ends up suing the NBA for their unjust punishment, and wins (that his privacy was compromised), he really can't gain much back!  The NBA is an organization, as with any organization, who maintains  professional standards which their members need to follow, therefore their ruling stands.

There's a bigger issue here, and that again is racism. We cannot erase racism. Not the views of our grandparents who were raised in a different world as is seen by our generation. However, race issues make progress because of public decisions like what the NBA handed down today. We, the NBA as an organization, have views and values that are Stronger then the individual. Therefore your either with us or against us. That's why the NBA had to address this matter so swiftly and passionately. Showing a united organizational front, showing that while their are racists among us, they better keep their poker face on, or else your out. And don't be fooled into thinking this is One Man, it doesn't matter. We can all sight historic examples where Blacks, Latinos, Women, and subcategories of those who were wronged because of perceived righteousness amongst the organizational leaders. But the tides have changed. Blacks didn't always serve in the military, women weren't always in the workforce, however things changed. And as public views change so does the public. Just not my grandparents generation.

Make Mistakes, Breathe, Reflect, and Laugh.Out.Loud

Why we Eat Cereal for Dessert, and NOT for Breakfast (Making a Better Choice)

The demands of the world dictate that cereal must be consumed by children. How could I be so cruel and keep such a treat away from them? Those circular colorful treats, that taste sweet, and even change the color of the milk... We like them as a topping on yogurt or as a dry snack. I know, are you reading the right blog? YES! I am the same mostly healthy mom trying to accommodate my children/s demands and their healthy needs. Can you imagine such a conversation at home "Hey Kids, We aren't ever eating cereal again for breakfast?" Oh the Drama. . . But When I DID SAY "What do you guys think of moving Cereal to Dessert Time?" was a success.

I recently picked up a thrift store copy of the book "Eat This Not That, Supermarket survival guide." I saw this book authors presentation on some talk show years ago... it was informative, extremely. We put in so many unknown ingredients into our bodies when we eat packaged foods. I can't even pronounce some of the ingredients!
 Product Details

So when I came across the book I purchased it. Just initially thumbing thru I saw the few packaged items I do purchase listed and they're great alternative ideas. As well as some great sauces and condiments that are referenced (which I have totally forgotten about as a nice way to dress up meals and for sides). These said sauces and condiments are a nice way to substitute flavor as you remove unnecessary calories to help in weight loss/maintenance.

I recently lost over 25 pounds last year, and not intentionally which is the ironic part. It was totally accidental loss... I swapped white sugar for agave nectar in my coffee, I added more fruits to my day as a snack, I stopped buying kid selected desserts and went back to old habits of only High Quality Desserts. I Made a lot of other changes in our home before this 25 pound weight loss and you can read about them here.

As we all should know weight gain, and excess weight gain especially, comes from
1. Eating Larger portions (calories) then our bodies and activity levels need, and
2. Eating excess amounts of sugar, often unknown quantities to us!

(*As an Aside: I read an awesome article in National Geographic magazine on the history of sugar and how we have arrived at our current American sugar intake levels. The results were SHOCKING as consumers average 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day!  I personally lost over 25 pounds this last year and I credit my number 1 reason for successfully loosing the weight and keeping it off is switching from white sugar to agave nectar. I'll have to write a separate post about this amazing life changing step that I took. And NO I didn't completely cut out sugar/y sweets because I want to enjoy the finer things in life....see the post.)

In "Eat This, Not That" the authors cover many packaged products, including cereals. The little thought bubble inserts are loaded with helpful information on MAKING A BETTER CHOICE. The book lists brands of popular cereal, and their top nasty ingredients and grams of sugar per serving. On the opposing page they list alternative brands and better choice ideas in the cereal category including healthier or better ingredients and lower sugar quantities. However the best information on this page was our life changing decision... "Treat Cereal as Dessert."

Wagner Farm Cow Up close
Our visit to Wagner Farm, where a cow took great interest in us. We always ask the kids "Where did our food that we are eating come from?" If they can't tell me it is usually a quick way of identifying "highly processed" foods, like cereal.

Cereal has just as much sugar as Desserts do. Do you serve ice cream for breakfast, eclairs, chocolate cake perhaps (and I am sorry to say toaster strudels, donuts and the like fall into the dessert category). Well for us, NO WE do NOT serve dessert for breakfast, so why should I serve cereal with the same amounts of sugar in it?

I bookmarked this page, and after dinner shared it with the family at the dinner table. I read from the book to the kids. Even my 5 year old son understood what it meant to eat one bowl of cereal or 3 candy bars... he responded "mommy, my tummy would hurt!"

Good Bye Cereal
Cereal is a great marketing campaign, similar to Orange Juice, making it a "Must Have Staple" in the American diet. Granted serving cereal is Easy and fast, and that has helped maintain the popularity. But serving sliced apples and peanut butter (which I have served for breakfast) is full of healthy natural sugars, and is in NO COMPARISON to cereal so much healthier for the breakfast eater. My kids feel full longer eating real foods - and not cereal. They don't have that pre-lunch crash after eating a sugary breakfast either.

Once last thing. My kids were all over this "Cool" idea of "eating cereal for breakfast" when we first agreed to it. And for the first 2 weeks (only) they requested cereal for dessert. Then the idea sort of lost it's appeal, I don't know why? It could be because when I do serve dessert at home 2-3 times per week, it is good quality dessert. We don't serve too many refined sugar treats. Instead we use/purchase desserts made with fine quality ingredients: real creams (not cool whip), butters (not margarines), and high quality sugars. The taste of the desserts are amazing, and sometimes very simple.

Desserts We buy:
- Lindor or E. Wendel High Qulity Chocolate Bars, and each person gets 2-3 squares for dessert. Our local fruit store carries these brands, but Godiva, and even Hersey's are "better" qulity chocolates.
- Assortments of nuts or shelled Pistachios. These always go fast.
- Desserts from international bakeries and friends travels like Truffles from France and Baklava from the Middle Eastern Grocer on my monthly visit.
- Angel Wings, or Chrusciki,  from our local bakery. A light butter treat thats great with coffee or tea.
- Good quality ice cream, gelatos and Italian ice.
- Cakes from our local bakery (not Jewel or chain store bakeries). Including Apple Pie, Fruit Pies, Small Tortes made with fresh ingredients.


We have a small local bakery and a nearby international grocer that bakes there own bread and desserts daily. The ingredients are high quality and sometimes pricier then some items that sit on shelves for a few days. But in the end THE COST IS THE SAME. Why?

First of all we eat less dessert, only 2-3 times a week and the servings are small. So we consume less calories less often.

Second, because we are eating small portion and less often we are basically spending the same amount of money, just the per serving price is higher, however the quality is far improved. Quality matters (said the women who lost 25 pounds!) because your body processes natural sugar differently then highly processed ingredients that maintain a products shelf life. Your also consuming less unnatural ingredients which is also better for your body and weight loss / weight maintenance.

As I said before, helping the kids make a change to Eating Cereal for Dessert is also a great way to move away from eating cereal for breakfast.

Good luck in making changes at home for healthier eating. It's not always easy, but the journey is fun.

Orignal Post April, 2014
Make Mistakes. Breathe, Reflect, and Laugh.Out.Loud.
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