Monday, May 27, 2013

The Evolution of What’s Good for Your Baby and Good and Changing Advice

What we hear one day, changes on the next. Yes, new or updated information can get frustrating, but its so important as a parent to pay attention. And them there's your mother's advice and every stranger thinking they can give you great baby tips!

One day you will be reading that something (insert subject here) is good for your baby. Then you will read that same something is bad for your baby, or a variation of how much, when, or where is good, or bad, again, for your baby. UGH! Frustrated with the constant change in information, well me to! But you need to remember knowledge is evolution. We are on a journey through this thing called parenting.

Yes, advice from doctors and scientists is always changing because everyday are learning more. If you picked up the book that I recommend for everything baby and kids, Dr. Spock’s is a great example of how information, advice and science changes through the years. The book gives you current advice, and it highlights some things that haven't changed (like taking babies and kids outside everyday for at least 20 minutes of fresh air).

So when you hear advice, on TV, from your co-workers, fellow mom, or anywhere, remember to always think about what you are hearing and make a conscious decision about it.

Please, don't just ignore the latest information. Or be assuming that "it always changes and really doesn't matter" as a friend once said.

I like to consider new-er information like this:

· Is this a trend? (Like the 2006 movement to start potty training babies at birth, yes really! Or how baby signs are getting bigger in popularity and studies say better for baby and showing higher IQ scores.)

· Is this a health concern? Then listen up! (High intake of antioxidants has even touted for a few years, but recently on Dr. Oz they talked about how excess amounts of berries and other high antioxidants can actually be countering the benefits of moderation.)

· Is this a Consumer Issue? Is some company making money on selling you a new "must have item?" Well then listen with caution! (One of my favorite items in this category is masked as a "health" concern but I think it's mostly sales. Reflux in babies. Yes, I am certain there are cases where babies have legitimate reflux, but many times in my personal experience with family and friends it's been mom over feeding the baby formula!)

· Does this fit in my lifestyle?

Most importantly, take the new information in, think it over and decide IF it works for you. And make adjustments as needed.

"The days are long, the years are short."

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