Monday, August 14, 2017

Death of classmate: A poem about healing

Death of classmate // Healing

No more shooting mom
Listening to the news
Telling my son to play dead
Mom what's that

Basketball games rivalries end in death
Buy a gun for $100 on the corner
Everyone knows where
Sister cry for food
Sister city to play
Sister city a new town
for the death of a child

Pendragon, Pendleton,
shot in a park,
5 blocks from the President's home
Performed at the inaugural
Died at attention.

Gun control won't cut it,
Video games won't cut it,
Mental health registry won't cut it,
Where are the shooters parents,
Where is the raising of a child.

The shootings in Chicago have gone insane. And while this was during the Obama administration, I was deeply affected. We discuss the why's at home. White privilege, poverty, cycles of abuse and the insanity of shootings. What do we tell the children? We talk about these issues openly. And then I deal with my kids saying they are scared when we know we are safe at home. This is not our world, but it hurts my heart.

One day, this will change.


Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>>

make mistakes, breathe and keep breathing.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Another to do list: Babcia birthday. Thanks Pinterest

Just like when my younger son turned 4 years old, my grandmother turned 80 just before him. We took family photos at a professional photo studio. Can wrangling and twisting the arm of my family
Members was not fun. They didn't want to take formal pics. Not even formal, just fun family pictures at a studio. But after the fact they raved and loved the idea.

I put a color scheme together for the photos. After looking at AWESOME pinterest ideas, and then applying the reality of us, the ladies were asked to wear cream and the gents either blue or grey. OF COURSE my mom appeared in grey with a pink scarf. But that's okay because at the end of the day the pics turned out great, everyone was happy, and Grandmas pic hangs in her home - with all 15+ of her descendants. And that's pretty cool!

  • Don't shoot for perfect.
  • DO have color guidelines. But know that the shades will vary person to person.
  • Smile, breathe, relax.
  • Arrive early
  • Be extra sweet to the photographer, even if they are cranky!

Her shopping list was shorter, but still a list none the less. And my idea, ... became my shopping.

  • 80 candles
  • Sparklers
  • Crown
  • 1933 cd
  • Balloons
  • Hawaiian lais
  • # 80 pictures
  • Silver frame pic
  • Photo List for Photographer:
  • 1st pic as child w new 80 YO pic framed
  • Pic w each GRANDkIDS framed
  • # 80 collage
  • Price list 1933
  • Flowers for table
  • Reserve rest.
  • Sparklers on cake
  • Brooch or 80YO cup/mug

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud

Monday, June 12, 2017

Safe Fear versus Real Fear

When my older son was very little I have blogged about an idea of boys and violence, and what is considered "safe violence," You can read about that here in the post "My Son "Plays Rough" - How to Distinguish Violent Versus Rough Play. And I still recommend that documentary about "Raising Cain."

A little bit about safe fear. Walking dead is a hugely popular program right now. And I find my kids are very into playing hide and seek, and really scaring each other.

"I think all of us like to be scared once in a while, but it's most fun being scared when you know you're actually safe." The scary holiday, dressing at scary face and ideas of scary places, halloween of course has always been big at our house. I think all of us like to be scared once in a while, but it's most fun being scared when you know you're actually safe. You can enjoy this year without that feeling of horror. Goosebumps is a program that we love to watch on Netflix, we discovered it when our cousin came to live with us from Guatemala for that month. We'd watch goosebumps and my children would get startled and squeeze my arm and tell me to hold them. And then we would laugh about it afterwards because we knew it always had a scary and then funny part, and a safe ending at the end.

Safe fear is important for children to experience. They can talk about zombies and hitting them over the head with the television or shooting them in the brains with a gun as they might've seen in previews of the walking dead. It's important for children to understand what real fear is so when they do experience it in the life, which they most certainly will at some point, they'll have a concept of the feelings they have/haven't experienced and the concept of what to do when that moment arrives.

For example all this year on Halloween and preparation for Halloween my children remember the zombie mask my dad had given them the year before. They hate that mask. It is terribly scary. They told me even though I had begged and begged and begged that no, I could not dress up like a zombie from the walking dead. My make up would probably be "too good" said my younger son. I did buy a costume that was a zombie t-shirt and I asked to put it into my sons chupacabra costume he requested this year. But he overrode the piece that was the zombie part - too gross, too scary.

Finally Halloween had arrived, and to my shock and amusement. My children said that yes I can dress as a zombie next year. But the pirate costume has gone on too much and I need to change it up a little.

We went to see the new goosebumps movie that was released this year 2015. Yes we took my three-year-old. And she loved it along with her brothers and mom and dad. We were familiar with nearly every story line, except the aliens who freeze people, and praying mantis, and the abominable snowman. Those were storylines we had not seen on netflix.

Older son is getting very interested in the goosebumps books and he is starting to be done. My younger son wants to buy some of the Scholastic book fair. I said "don't you know the stories are scary?" "Yes but they always have a great ending" said my son. And that's a fear. The children explore the idea of being afraid and seriously in danger and having their wits about them and figuring out how to get out of the situation.

I don't know if this fear obsession comes back from nature were boys are determined to protect us and so we dream at night about running away from werewolves or fighting a small little rodent get me biting at our feet. It's our brain's way of processing through scenarios that could actually happen.

So when my kids are asking to be afraid, I encourage it. With in reason. My son wanted to watch scary movie, the hilarious comedy based on the screen series. So I insisted he watch the beginning of scream just the parts where the girl was home alone is getting phone calls. On the moment when the killer came in and the actual murder scene of course I covered his eyes and switched the TV channel. That's allowing fear within reason (it works for us) and pushing the boundaries of safe fear. We watched scary movie. He understood what the storyline was about. And he still slept in our bed that night. He was not happy with the scream mask that uses blood all over itself that his cousin offered him to wear for the next Halloween.

Make mistakes, breathe, reflect. And definitely laugh. out. loud.

Monday, May 29, 2017

67 Books to Read Before your Kids turn 10 Years Old and some insights.

When my kids were little I was obsessed with reading to them. And not JUST reading, but reading the right books. I have since learned that whatever book interests them IS WHAT MATTERS! Because it keeps them interested and grows there vocabulary. 

67 Books to Read Before your Kids turn 10 Years Old 

and some insights.

So now, we still read everyday, including - to my horror - Diary of A Wimpy Kid. And I am surprised the second time around when my now younger son is reading the series (which we brought down from the attic). He is informing me as I type that he wants to re-read old school, something about Greg's dad shoving him into a hole on accident. 

We rotate "what mom likes" and what the kids like. Good night gorilla for baby girl, 101 things to know about the NFL for older son and everything Abraham Lincoln for younger son. 

This book list was recommended to me long ago - thanks wired

And while very valuable, just remember - - - Keep Reading! 
  • Recommended by Erik Wecks, Matt Blum, Kevin Makice, Nathan Berry, Jonathan Liu, Dave Banks, Roy Wood, Kathy Ceceri, Jenny Williams, Ethan Gilsdorf, Corrina Lawson, Michael Venables, and GeekDad Z:
  • Brian Selznick, The Invention of Hugo Cabret
  • Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
  • Kate DiCamillo, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • Barbara Park, Junie B. Jones's First Boxed Set Ever! (Books 1-4)
  • Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, and Every Thing on It J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  • Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game
  • J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
  • Neil Gaiman, Coraline
  • Edward Eager, Half Magic and Magic by the Lake
  • Joan Aiken, Arabel's Raven
  • Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, Peter and the Starcatchers
  • Terry Pratchett, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
  • Mary Norton, The Borrowers
  • Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
  • Walter Moers, The 13-1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear
  • Larry Gonick, The Cartoon History of the Universe
  • Irene Miller, Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine
  • Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • Crockett Johnson, The Adventures of Harold and the Purple Crayon Bertrand Brinley, The Mad Scientists Club
  • Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
  • Ingrid Law, Savvy
  • Wendelin Van Draanen, Shredderman
  • C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux
  • Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, Far Flung Adventures
  • Russell Hoban, The Mouse and His Child
  • Robert C. O'Brien, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
  • Jeanne Birdsall, The Penderwicks
  • Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth
  • Emily Jenkins, Toys Go Out
  • Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
  • Tony DiTerlizzi, The Search for WondLa
  • Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach
  • John Bellairs, The House With a Clock in Its Walls
  • Judy Bloom, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
  • E. B. White, Charlotte's Web
  • Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree
  • Robert C. O'Brien, The Silver Crown
  • Louis Sachar, Holes
  • Daniel Pinkwater, The Big Orange Splot
  • Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House books
  • E. B. White, Stuart Little
  • Edith Nesbit, The Railway Children
  • E. L. Konigsburg, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Angie Sage, Septimus Heap series
  • Trenton Lee Stewart, The Mysterious Benedict Society
  • Dr. Cuthbert Soup, A Whole Nother Story and Another Whole Nother Story Virginia Hamilton, The House of Dies Drear
  • Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
  • Arlene Mosel, Tikki Tikki Tembo
  • A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
  • Else Holmelund Minarik, Little Bear
  • Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
  • Dr. Seuss, Green Eggs and Ham
  • Peggy Parish, Amelia Bedelia
  • Maurice Sendak, In the Night Kitchen
  • H. A. Ray, Curious George
  • Arnold Lobel, Frog and Toad Are Friends
  • Arnold Lobel, Owl at Home
  • Cynthia Rylant, Henry and Mudge
  • Norman Bridwell, Clifford
  • Marc Brown, Arthur
  • Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are
  • Linda Sue Park, A Single Shard
  • Christopher Paul Curtis, Bud, Not Buddy
  • Scott O'Dell, Island of the Blue Dolphins
  • Deborah Ellis, The Breadwinner
  • Pam Munoz Ryan, The Dreamer
  • Laurance Yep, The Star Fisher
  • David Shannon, A Bad Case of Stripes
  • David Macaulay, Castle and The Way Things Work
  • Lloyd Alexander, Chronicles of Prydain
  • Eoin Colfer, The Legend of Spud Murphy, The Legend of the Worst Boy in the World, and The Legend of Captain Crow's Teeth
  • Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking
  • L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
  • Susan Cooper, The Dark Is Rising
  • Betty McDonald, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
  • John Christopher, The Tripods Trilogy
  • Jack Prelutsky, The Dragons are Singing Tonight
  • Esther Forbes, Johnny Tremain
  • Nowen N. Particular, Boomtown
  • Tom Angleberger, The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and Darth Paper Strikes Back
  • Sam Riddleburger, The Qwikpick Adventure Society
  • Arthur Ransome, Swallows and Amazons
  • L. Frank Baum, Oz series
  • Rev. W. Awdry, Thomas the Tank Engine
  • Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • Brian Jacques, Redwall
  • Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials
  • Robert Heinlein, Have Space Suit Will Travel
  • Virginia Lee Burton, The Little House and Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
  • Doris Burn, Andrew Henry's Meadow
  • Bill Peet, Farewell to Shady Glade
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
  • Richard Adams, Watership Down
  • Rudyard Kipling, Just So Stories and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
  • L. M. Boston, The Children of Green Knowe
  • Babette Cole, Princess Smartypants
  • Kathleen V. Kundlinski, Boy, Were We Wrong About Dinosaurs
  • Ruth Stiles Gannett, My Father's Dragon
  • Roald Dahl, The BFG
  • Daniel Pinkwater, Once Upon a Blue Moose
  • Robert Munsch, The Paper Bag Princess
  • Richard Evan Schwartz, You Can Count on Monsters
  • Mercer Mayer, One Monster After Another
  • Jon Stone, The Monster at the End of This Book
  • Suzanne Collins, The Gregor Series
  • Tomie de Paola, Strega Nona
  • Sesyle Joslin, What Do You Say, Dear?
Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and KEEP READING! 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Talking through School Projects. Getting it done Before We Start Working

When my kids come home with the project from school, we talk about it and talk about it and talk about it. Often long before it's due. We talk about the aspects of the project, making sure that they fully understand what to do. How much time each task will take. And then we start to brainstorm on ideas. We start to talk about what they would like to write about then what mom or dad would like to write about and sometimes they'll even ask their brothers and sisters what they think.

"We talk about it, and talk about it, and talk about it.." over and over again.

Talking through School Projects. Getting it done Before We Start Working

A lot of this parenting thing, turns out, it conversation. And luckily we have a lot of time in the car to talk and talk and talk. We found the creative thinking and problem-solving is becoming an issue more and more with kids in the schools. We find that children have a hard time coming up with WHAT to write about when they have a free-form essay. Not our kids though. And I really think that this process is a big part of the reason why they do so well. We encourage them to come up with three totally different ideas for a paper and it takes 48 to 72 hours to do that, we're fine with it. We except the craziest ideas, the funniest ideas, and the stupidest ideas.

"To create a love of learning you have to create a love of the process."

Obviously as parents we will steer them away from using the stupid topics for a school paper. (Is there a stupid topic? See the update below.) But if they want to write a separate essay for mom and dad they can do it on the silly subjects, and yes they do sometimes. And we get a good little giggle To create a love of learning you have to create a love of the process. And just like we adults will come across a problem and talk about it with our friends for days on end, children to need to process their work in their little brains for a few days or hours ahead of time if they have that time before project is due.

Recently my younger son's first grade teacher sent out an email asking about his first computer based projects. He will be presenting to the class on different types of rock. I let her know that our process is talking about the project for at least a day or so, and he too felt very very happy to let her know that he thought about his project for a day. And then he came home and gave me three or four totally separate ideas of what he wants to include in his project. All because we talked about it. This from a six-year-old.
When School and Home ideas don't match, What's a mom to do?
Favorite Post: When the teacher said we wouldn't be in outer space in my sons lifetime
We are using everyone of his ideas, from what type of paper to use, we are to show real pieces of rock that we have at home (see our rock collection post), and we will print out some online. He wants to print the words in all different colors (having worked in marketing I know that that will not look the best, but it's HIS project). But this is about his learning process.

Allow time in the learning process. Allow kids to make mistakes, type super slow, and cut outside the lines. This is how they learn.

Update: Is there a stupid topic for a school project? 

Of course I THINK there is. But I have learned thru the years to let the boys pick their own topics. They have to make mistakes so the can learn for themselves what works and what does not. I can explain over and over but if they experience it for themselves, that is a lesson that will remain with them in the long run.

I have learned to ask teacher for rubrics. To review with the boys WHT the teachers grade on, giving them specifics for their project. And in this process if the subject they selected doesn't fit the rubric, we may need  a new one. But usually the boys create and think thru ways to get it done. And there is so much to be said for them going thru this self discovery and creativity process.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Slow cooker Recipe Pork Carnitas Tacos

Slow cooker recipe Pork Carnitas Tacos

I MAKE THIS ALL THE TIME. About 6 times a year and freeze leftovers. Make sure you don't use HOT Paprika if you want a little more red. OOPSIE - kids still remind me of that time. My Guatemalan husband loves this because it is very similar to Helachas that he grew up with.

SERVES: 8 – 10

2 to 2 ½ lbs pork shoulder or Boston butt roast, cut into 5 or 6 small pieces (in Charlotte we use pork from Grateful Growers Farm, which is sold at the Matthews Farmers' Market and Hillbilly Produce)
3 teaspoons dried oregano
2 teaspoons black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground cumin
1 onion, cut into 6 or 8 chunks
3 garlic cloves, whole
1 recipe tomatillo salsa (use recipe below or can be purchased at Trader Joe's)
1 ½ recipes whole-grain corn tortillas
2 avocados, sliced
Fresh cilantro


Mix together oregano, pepper, salt, and cumin and rub on outside of pork pieces in bottom of slow cooker.
Throw onion and garlic on top of pork.
Slow cook on low for 6 – 8 hours or until meat is falling apart.
When finished discard the onion and garlic. Drain meat and shred with a fork.
Serve warm with tortillas, tomatillo salsa, avocados and cilantro.

Tomatillo Salsa
1 ½ lbs tomatillos (they look like little green tomatoes with husks around them)
½ cup white onion
¾ cup cilantro leaves
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 jalapeno or serrano pepper, seeded and roughly chopped
Preheat broiler on high.
Peel and discard husks off tomatillos. Rinse and cut tomatillos in half. Place cut side down on foil or parchment lined baking sheet. Broil for 5 – 7 minutes until skin is lightly blackened.
Puree tomatillos and rest of ingredients together including onion, cilantro, lime, and pepper using a food processor, blender, or hand immersion blender until ingredients are finely chopped and mixed.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh Out loud.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How can we make this more affordable?

My husband purchased a Chicago Bears Jersey at the School auction. Good Cause and he likes these sorts of items. So being a good wife I went to price getting it framed. Yes I can figure it out how to DIY this framing job, but work is getting busy and the TIME to MONEY scale is sliding towards the Money side ... so I have significantly less time and will pay for some services, with in reason! 

How can we make this more affordable?


The line was long. I waited. Excited to buy this frame for my husbands new gleaming jersey. I got a very well informed sales rep. VERY WELL INFORMED. She was very good at how to up sell in her job ... and I just was disappointing at every corner for her.

I had to frame a couple of items in my corporate days as gifts for special VIP coming to meet executives or certificates for employees, etc. I had been around the block with frames. I did a little homework on framing Jerseys before I went into the shop, to see if things have changed in options, and features. Not really, mostly what I was familiar with. So I drew out my plan (like I do for every project, a few doodles) and headed to the store, children in tow.

My kids behave really well, they get a little silly, but nothing they can't handle in line while I order a frame. They tagged along.

Two Mats versus 3 Mats in Framing

You know when you look at a frame of a photo and the mats inside the frame. We prefer 2 mats, because they have the slight white edge to it. That white edge comes from the cutting process on the frame on the mat. However Michael's crafts assumes people don't know that. So they automatically lay in a white mats in between your top color and your bottom color. Obviously this is one way to drive the price up unless you specifically asked that they not put that middle mats in. The clerk exhaled, obviously enough for me to hear it, and removed the middle mat. 

Acrylic vs. Glass

Think about where you're going to be hanging your piece in the house. Because Michael sells this very high-end UV glass protection that keeps 99% of the sunlight out. I don't know about you but I'm not going to hang my valuables in direct sunlight. Because fading is clearly one of the biggest problems. Again I'm the type of person who thinks these things through before going into a custom framing shop. So I instantly asked for acrylic. Were hanging sports memorabilia. "Our jersey, will be hanging in a sun free room. So UV light is not an issue." So instantly when I asked for an acrylic glass, the woman gave me a look like ? Wait, it she harassing ME?

Folded or flat

I had laid the Jersey folded up, for measuring on the counter. She proceeded to UNFOLD IT and measure. I then said "actually ... let's plan to have the bottom part of the Jersey folded up just so enough of the number was exposed with about 2 inches at the bottom. There, like this." This saves me on the size of the frame and the mat (cutting down on some length). Most stores charge per inch of what you're using on frame and mat. Again not a happy clerk re-measuring.

I wanted to certificate of authenticity included. She wanted it done a certain way where "I would be cutting into the mat." She actually was so considerate to sketch out two options for me, both of which were cutting into one of the maths - which would've been some sort of laser cutting that, of course, was more expensive. "Which choice do you prefer." Excellent up sell. I paused, admiring her sketches. "It's so nice." So opened my purse and took out my sketch of how I was considering the jersey framed. An impromptu moment, that not one appreciated as much as me. When I showed her I wanted to Jersey as if it's in one frame and the certificate  below in another. She was very frustrated with my fruitfulness and choice #3.

The Frame. 

We are getting to the frame, at last. The clerk steps in back and brings out this great frame option that's of course All Solid Wood, which is of course more expensive. I saw her place two previous orders and they did not get this road show of frames and mats. So I ask her "how can we make this more affordable." Again, she goes into her schpiel about the size of my piece and what the wait is to have it produced and if we go with a lower weight frame we simply can't use glass, in a tone of voice as if it was a tragedy.

"I'd like acrylic."

Remember the acrylic versus glass part, me too. "Oh, I said I would prefer acrylic please." Again, she goes to the back and brings out a simple acrylic frame, which has a lot of detail on it. I said "this is simple as we can go?" She says well "you are going to want something a little more decorative." I said "thank you but I prefer it to be simple." I took this opportunity before I got one more "gon in the back" suggestion to point out very specifically the style I'm looking for, then I said show me just 2 frames, in these colors, that is that simple. 

THE Final Price.

I have priced frames at my former job. I had done some pretty cool etching on glass, carving names into wood and adding trim details, etc., etc., etc., so I pre-planned and expected $250 or so for the framed jersey, all finished + tax.

Clearly this woman knew her job very well. She knew how to upsell me at every turn. 

She sat at her computer, and tallied a few more things. Who knew frame selections when simplified over and over took 25 minutes to order. I am certain Micheal's doesn't want you to feel like you wasted your time investing in these selections... thus the lengthy process. 

The final price came out to a whopping $743 for the frame. I simply stood there in silence. Then she applied there fabulous discount of 60% off. $393. I asked again "how can we make this more affordable." 

She was hesitant to offer me the even cheaper frame that I knew was available. I did my research before going in. She hesitated to offer me to making my frames even smaller, which was still an option. So while Michael's, is a very good at the up sell, as the customer PLEASE do not be afraid to ask how can we make this more affordable

The clerk said: "Affordable for who?"

I looked at my older son, who was leaning on me near the counter, observing the interesting banter. I took my purse and said common kids, time to go get lunch! 

The clerk shouted, yes, in a loud voice:

"Where do you think you will get what you want? Affordable for who?"

"DAMN IT! Affordable for me! Because you Ms. Clerk aren't paying my bill!"

The route we ended up taking

Michael's wants $160 for a custom shadowbox jersey frame, +40% off with their coupons. I'll find one on Amazon or on the web for slightly cheaper. Also a customer was there getting just a mats cut to size. I didn't know they have this option. So I will buy the $7.99 mats - 2 (or 3) and have it cut to size once I have my box frame and do my own measurements.

As for the certificate of authenticity.

I think I'm going to simply double up on the mats towards the bottom and frame that section myself. It'll stand out nicely against the larger mat and the Jersey. And then, as for a double mat, I'll mat around the Jersey too, and then I'll also put in an inch or so of that mat on the actual frame and glass to give it a little bit more depth, she was doing this already for me and didn't tell me until the very end after I had asked how do we make this more affordable.

The clerks must work on commission, because this woman just kept saying no to me on options that were evidently available at any other normal custom framing shop.

Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh Out Loud when people try to over charge you.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Wearing Mommy's Necklace and Scarf. Baby Girl Steal my Things

I had quite the learning moment today about being a mom and sharing things with my baby girl.

I remember when I was little and even into early adulthood, seeing my mom see me admire something of hers. And then she would offer it to me to wear tomorrow. And I remember thinking why should give this to meet when it's her favorite? I was shocked that she was sharing it with me.

You Know when you have something that you treasure show much best friend can't borrow it or it's your policy never to borrow it. Yeah those types of things that my mom would let me borrow and still I couldn't believe it. And then I felt a huge sense of responsibility to take care of it and make sure to return it to her in good condition, even though she reminded me to do the same thing as well.

See the scarf that she wanted to make for herself to "match mommies."

Today I had one of those moments. As we were getting ready to go pick up the boys from school my darling daughter asked me to borrow a scarf. She couldn't find any scarves in her drawer, and it's crisp cool fall weather here in Chicago in November. So she asked to borrow one of my scarves that are hanging up in the closet. And I just said sure, then I paused.

I do not borrow my scars to anyone. Some women have their shoes, others have their art, books, or their jewelry. I have mostly scarves. It's not quite out of control and any means, but I do treasure them.

And so without holding back an at all I let her borrow my wool scarf that I had gotten last year from my mom with cherry blossoms on it. It reminds me of Japan and the wonderful cold that my husband bought me but she knew about and then intern got me a scarf to match.

The scarf of course is made for an adult woman so on her it is rather long, which of course makes her three-year-old little body looks so cute in it. I to remind her that she needs to take care of it and It cannot touch the floor or get scratched or ripped. She said I know mommy I will take care of it. We got in the car she took her coat off, but the scarf state around her neck as she put her car seat. It was just too adorable.

There's few things that I don't allow her, when I find myself hoarding some of my Amber Pete's from a necklace that broke waiting for the day when I'll have time to fix it, or the turquoise bracelet that our cleaning lady also likes to beat attempt at fixing which broke again and I again am waiting for time to fix it. I find myself taking these little precious things that I do care about and making her a bracelet or a necklace from it. And seeing her enjoy it in mediately and we are things for days thereafter. It makes it all worth while seeing her smile and enjoy these little perks in life. I hope she's also learning what took me a long time to learn about quality. I don't buy costume jewelry and I don't buy polyester scarves. I do invest in quality pieces whether they are precious or semi precious. My scarves are all cotton linen or the luxurious silk. I even have a fake Ermas and a real Hermas complements of my husbands.

I want my daughter to know that you invest in these pieces because God for bid one day the world falls turns upside down hopefully they will get you through hard times in life. We're costume jewelry that's plastic, and meeting China. It is not crafted by a person but I am machine there for making it less valuable. Of course on trips and excursions I buy little bits and pieces of jewelry that were handcrafted by local artisans like my shell card turtle from Mexico. There is actually the name for artisans car things out of shell, insert here.

I want my daughter to understand what the finer things are in life, and the reason you might not necessarily be exactly 20 with the new necklaces because you're wearing one of real silver beads or real pearls or six strands of red coral. Those pieces are called classic never go out of style.

Today's money moment was not only one for me seeing my daughter enjoy beautiful things but I guess she's learning to love beautiful things to and hopefully will carry that with her for the rest of her life.

Original post: November, 2015

Make mistakes, breeze, reflect. And don't forget to laugh out loud.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Our Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipie

Hot cocoa chocolate chip cookies

I make this with or without the hot cocoa mix. 

2 and 1/4 cups All Purpose Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup powdered hot cocoa mix
1 Cup (2 sticks) Butter, softened
3/4cups packed brown sugar (minus 1T)
3/4cups granulated sugar (minus 1T)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 Cups white or regular chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream together butter and both sugars. Add cocoa mix. Add Eggs 1 at a time. Add vanilla. Slowly add in flour alternating w/salt and baking soda. Stir in chips.

Refrigerate batter before spooning or cookies will be flat. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls spoonfuls onto baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake 10-13 minutes. Allow to cool for 2-4 minutes on cookie sheet before removing to cooling rack. Makes about 3-4 dozen depending on size.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect, bake cookies, and Laugh.Out.Loud. at the flour all over the floor.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Shopping Lists: Thanksgiving and Christmas Annual Shopping List for Cooking and Baking our Traditional Dishes

Menus thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes these are my shopping lists. I need to keep them in a secondary location and I like to share...


Corn chowder
Butternut squash soup or casserole with chinese spice and creme fresh
Candied ham
Sweet or mashed potatoes
Apple pie or apple strudel
Sweet wine


Mushroom soup
Polish vegetable salad
Rugelach roll - try
Spritz cookies
Gingerbread cookies
Chocolate chi cookies
Egg big w cognac

Baking Shopping list
2 bags sugar
2 bags flour
3 packs 1lb butter
2 bags chocolate chips
1can lg poppy seed filling
3 type mushrooms 2-3lbs
Sour cream
Check seasonings: nutmeg, Ginger powder, all spice, etc.
1 gallon milk
3 packs eggs
2 qts heavy whipping cream
2 cups cognac
1cup rum
2 cups whiskey
Add rugelah needs
Add salmon needs
Add apple pie needs
Soups, etc

New years brunch
Poached eggs
Pick a new recipe every year



Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>>

Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Kids Shoes for the Very Young Under 2 year old crowd

When my munchkins were little I really took time to think about their little feet and best bets for when they learn to walk.

The Mix of advice from the grandmas and the experts helped me make my mommy plan.

Barefoot is best. 

In safe places where we know there is no glass or HOT ground (in summer), well you can find us barefoot. The days gone by that meant - for my grandmas generation - you were too poor to own shoes. To her horror I let my kids run around barefoot, and they run fast!!

Mommy too walks barefoot whenever I can. In the yard we are constantly barefoot.

In the house we can be barefoot or with house slippers. 

We dont tend to wear socks or shoes at home to prevent bacteria from transferring indoors. We also dont wear socks on bare floors due to slip and fall danger.

Always be sensible about kids feet. 

Shoes matter for long lifetime impact and a pain free life. Stride rites are a great brand, as are Hannah Anderson. However sometimes the trendy design like a boot or clog is just too difficult to flex their foot in and makes tripping easy.

Stylish is fun, but comfortable is first.

We do not, ever, wear flip flops. Not for mom or the kids. Slides have a tendency to make kids trip when the tips get folded under. Flip flops flip right off when running and making scrapes so much more common. Gym shoes for running activities are always a great choice, for the 3 tear old and up crowd. But what a out the 2 year old and under kids. For these soft soles with snug fits are great for foot formation AND comfort.

As for Shoe Brands for kids:

'Skidders' are great for under 2YO -- rubber bottom and sock top. 

Great for in and outdoors w safety non skid. These flexible shoes allow babies feet to grip and get a good feel for standing and those first steps.

Also great for little feet are Soft sole leather bottoms with soft tops: 'Robeez' -- We loved them. 

These are fab for dry weather in and outdoors, altho use caution on playgrounds. The leather or soft bottoms can be slippery on some jungle gyms at the park. But for a walk around the block on cement is perfect.

Then the 3+ crowd believe it or not I love 'crocs.' 

As long as they are sized perfectly. Kids can put them on and off, and manage them alone. We are croc converts! Great for their foot shape growth, as long as they are snug. When we have hikes or we trek in wet and dry conditions like running thru sprinklers, snug crocs are a safe bet, and more durable them the more common "wet socks" or snug wet shoes that I have found fall apart after use in a season around chlorine water mix.

Where to buy?

Frequently you can find these in big box over run stores like Big Lots or TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Target recently carries Skidders.

For off mark brands, check the sole attachment and make sure the glue is durable. No separation should occur with slight pressure from your fingers. And when you do find the shoes on sale, but 1 size up for next year. You'll be thankful your not scrambling for another shoes when that growth spurt happens.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

You learn as you go

You learn as you go.

My older son is now 7 and I have come to realize some mistakes I've made in raising him. 

When I wrote the blog below on a schedule for toddlers, I was very proud of the fact that I limited his TV tube time. He actually didnt watch any TV or kids videos until he was almost 3. This was before iPhone an IPad too. And now I realize that was a big mistake.

Routine keep me sane!

See our family routine in this post. And the original MIMIT KIDS TV SCHEDULE Routine post here. And more ponderings on the schedule here.  

Our youngest son did get some TV before age 2, mostly watching along side his brothers TV/tube time. So the youngest had early exposure to television.

Nowadays when my kids do get to watch TV for Friday movie night or cartoons on Saturday morning, the older one is completely plugged in (or zoned out). While the 3 year old can tune in and out to come get a drink from the kitchen and even gets bored with the shows. 

If I had to do it all again, I'd follow our new routine.

After we drop off the older one at school, my younger kids get 1 (one) hour of TV in the morning (which is public television cartoons like sesame street) without those commercials that are so awesome for kids who react with "I want that!" This way the kids get to relax and enjoy some TV time before we move on with our daily activities.  There is still almost no TV during the school week for the older one, except one 1/2 hour program (our play on the iPad) after homework and responsibilities are complete. 

Kids new that time to unwind, or wake up. And just like adults need to zone out sometimes, so do kids. 


Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>>

Make mistakes. Breathe. Reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Teacher Gifts. 5 ideas for teacher gifts you haven't seen

Teacher Gifts - 5 ideas for teacher gifts you haven't seen. Because all teachers are awesome. 

And while they love the coffee certificates, and plants, and home made gifts (not so much) and WINE! Lotsa Wine! ... these ideas may take your teacher love to the next level. Let's see what "Teacher Gifts. 5 ideas for teacher gifts you haven't seen" for this years teacher appreciation week. 

TEACHER GIFTS you haven't seen.

Treasure Chest

Provide each child with a small envelope and ask the family to contribute a summer 'treasure'.

It can be anything - an inspirational quote, a thank you note, a small toy, photo, movie tickets, or even a gift certificate to your favorite local book store, restaurant or salon. Package the sealed envelopes in a toy treasure box (or a box with a photo of a treasure chest) add chocolate coins and present it to the teacher with this note:

"We've treasured your teaching all year long. 
Please enjoy these small treasures from all of us. 
(Opening one per day this summer takes more patience, but brings more delight!)"

Summer Reading Escape

Ask parents to provide their favorite gently used books and magazines.

Package them in a colorful beach tote with a new beach towel, sunscreen and water bottle. If your class is the cash-gathering kind, purchase a Kindle or Nook and an online gift certificate.

(Use VolunteerSpot's FREE ONLINE SIGN UP SHEET to request your group donation and reminders will be automatic and easy!) 

Garden Gadgets

If you're teacher is a gardener, ask members of the class to donate seed packets, garden tools or small gift certificates to a home and garden supply store.

Package the gifts in a large watering can with a bow and a potted plant. (VolunteerSpot Tip: Use this theme idea and replicate with other hobbies - art baskets, cooking supplies, etc.) 

Thank You Bouquet

Teachers will tell you when asked, the thing they appreciated most (over another candle, or school-themed trinket), was a simple thank you note.

  1. Send two colorful index cards home with each child. 
  2. Write one thank you note yourself and have your child write one too - be sure to make it personal (sentence starters below). 
  3. Gather up all the notecards and assemble them in a colorful basket with a foam bottom. 
  4. Use florist note-card holder picks to hold the thank you cards. (Supplies available at any craft store). Parents may want to include photos or gift cards also. 
You're extra special because...
Thank you for...
I love how you... 
This year you've taught me...
This gift can easily be stepped up with Gift Certificates. We have one class take up a collection of certificates for a Teacher who was getting married. From $5 Home Depot cards and Amazon gift cards, to the PTO collection. She was truly touched and it was an EPIC Staff Wedding Gift. 

A Few Hours Off

Things get stressful towards the end of the year with tests and all the kids getting antsy for summer vacation.

Ask parents to take turns helping in the classroom. Suggestions might include: organizing a reading circle, hosting an end of the year party (starring parents), or helping with end-of-year packing and moving teacher supplies from the classroom.

Make the end of the school year a celebration, not just because your kids are escaping school! Remember the good times of the past year, and thank their teacher for their hard work.

Remember anything you give is appreciated and memorable. Event a little note to say "Thanks!"

Make mistakes. Breathe, reflect and laugh out loud! 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Exploring Tattoos for Mommy

As a mom I love everything kids, and animals and of course insects. I have always admired tattoos and wanted one. I am decisive after an extensive amount of time in exploring options. When I see something, I will usually modify it and then be thrilled to move forward. And so I am exploring. I am now 41 years old, but I wanted to have a tattoo for my 40th. I just couldn't decide.

Yes i know it is an artistic expression, and Yes I know it truly is not about WHAT you pick, more so that I just pick something. But i want an expression of me, an expression of who I am. I will pick it, and with a little more time have a choice made.

I know I want subtle use of black and more color included. Yes more expensive but I want it beautiful. It will probably be birds representing my babies. And each bird in the child's current favorite color. We have not changed favorite colors in some time now (as kids usually change favorites by the month).

So my explorations have become screen shots from exploring the web and Pinterest. Here is what I have found so far. Included here as an album for viewing,... click the arrows to scroll thru.  Let me know which one you like - I will post and update when I have completed the process and gotten some ink.

Tattoos and tats for mom

Make mistakes, breathe. deeply during the tattooing, reflect and Laugh. Out. Loud.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Well You are a Bossy Little Girl

When I was a little girl I remember being told "you are bossy," on a regular basis. "Don't be like that, NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU." I still hear it today. In my head.

I had very strong emotions as a child, yes I cried when I lost at checkers to my cheating grandfather and uncle's. Of course it didn't help that they teased me when I lost which encourage the crying. But I digress.

I was a little bossy pants, I often lead the games that we played after school. I frequently made the rules and told the other kids how to play want to play where to play. I remember the nuns at school telling me that nobody likes a bossy girl. Our next-door neighbor who's two boys I played with would tell me that I'm too bossy for being a girl.

Even my dear old dad, who I would say has taught me a lot about leadership and what not to do, would tell me that I'm too bossy.

Every Little Girl who is told she is bossy, should be told instead she has GREAT
leadership skills. - My inner child.

When I reflect on this, I think I only have one more thing to add. This morning at 10 o'clock I'll be running and a conference call for my clients project that I am handling.

Stay strong little girls. I simply tell my daughter to be polite in her bossy moments. When she is telling other kids what to do, I remind her to be nice in her words, not sassy. I don't want her to be considered the "B" word, as can often happen. Sometimes it's not What you say, it really is How you say it.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Summer Bucket List - Second week of Summer

Second week of Summer 2015

We have had a wonderful start to the summer. Logging long days, early mornings, and we are only in our first week with all 3 kids. My younger sons school dismissal was a week earlier then older sons.

The Summer Routine

Being a mom, staying at home, can feel mundane. You are a slave to the stove, snack queen, mediator of the sibling rivalry, etc. Etc. 

While I am making pancakes this morning, a moment of I can't believe I'm cooking again overtook me. However we aren't rushing. Eventho i sort of put this burden on myself since we dont eat cereal every morning, the kids eat something fresh everyday! Toast and fruit, leftovers, potatoe pancakes, etc. Today I am making pancakes from scratch, but we are not rushed, so I can use a skillet, and put a pat of butter before I lattle each batch. If course its more time consuming, but ridiculously yummy too!! We are on summer break, why rush? The schedule today calls for some vintage shopping and the beach.

The kids get plates and forks for breakfast, my older son came in the kitchen mid pancake making and started playing the iPad songs. As I finish they are discussing their dreams, Men in Black and Donna Summers "I survive" which is playing, and baby girl was practicing her ballet spins. 

As we eat We will talk about the plan for the day and "make a plan." 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Moms Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List 2015

We are enjoying our 3rd Summer, and celebrating the nearly three months of fun with a Bucket list. As we approach the end of the school year we draft our list of things we want to do over the summer. Then of course when the kids aren't nearby mom at the things that are education related that I would like to accomplish over summer. Pinterest helps me find lots of different ideas and I do keep a summer bucket list on Pinterest. When you come across things during the year it's nice to be quickly reminded when you want to find the idea, that's where Pinterest is a brilliant idea. 

Of course my kids are brilliant at their ideas out. We don't need the time to Pinterest because some of the things they come up with are just fantastic and simple. My older son can write already so he comes up with his list draft of himself. Younger son and baby girl brainstorm with mom and I jot down their ideas. The reason I write down their ideas because it's showing them the credibility that what they say adds value to our conversation and what we want to do with our lives.

In my business life I am a marketing and event planning consultant. My strengths are in the planning, project management process, as well as budget management. So the skills translate into my personal life and to many summers and spending with my family out and about. Lots of our Summer Bucket List is lots of things that are for free, and within the surrounding Chicagoland area (have car - will travel).

So the next series of posts that I am drafting, will include the adventures on our summer bucket list 2015, The weekly playdates with our cousins and friends that live in the surrounding area, as well as our lazy days we enjoy often. 

As an aside, on my personal bucket list will be how to capture obvious fantastic moments that we share into a photo album. I struggle with keeping up on our scrapbook/photo albums. I still have to make my baby girls maybe scrapbook and it's three years later. And touching up my younger son's scrapbook, and I'm throwing all our 2000 and pictures into a Photo album. And fairly good at checking into places on my Facebook page as well as posting pictures from the days events, and I heard there's some great apps out Facebook pictures into an album, and I think this may be my solution or summer bucket list by year. 

Happy Summer 2015!

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Chicago City Limits: New Ordinance

New CHICAGO City Ordinance


It is Considered
and harmful to your taste buds
to put ketchup on your hot dog
within the City Limits of Chicago.

2012-08-17 Millenium Park 059
It's Chicago!

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh. Out. Loud.

a quickr pickr post

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Little Walk

Why do we protest? What do we tell our kids and family members who do not understand the protest?

I recently came across what is one of the most powerful example of WHY people who gather are actually doing something. For those who "don't understand" why there was a March on Washington organized by Women... it is to bring attention to a large number of issue that still need attention. Yes it really is that simple. The best sign of the day was "I can't believe I still have to protest this sh$t."

Want to relate to kids about the March? Read further below the grey "A Little Walk."
Examples from History include ---

People want to belittle this effort by calling it a "little walk." "What's a little walk going to do," they say.

A little walk by protesters to Boston Harbor sparked a nation's independence from a monarchy. 

A little walk from Selma to Montgomery, and from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial sparked the enactment of civil rights legislation for the American descendants of former slaves and changed the world's conscience about hate and the importance of nonviolent protest against the evils of this world.

A little walk by students and young people to Washington, DC helped to change America's conscience about the Vietnam War. 

A little walk by a Chinese boy in Tianamin Square helped the world see the oppressive regime of the People's Republic of China.

A little walk by protesters in Cape Town, galvanized the world against South Africa's apartheid regime, and helped to free the Freedom Fighter who was in jail for over 2 decades, who would one day become South Africa's first Black President. 

A little walk by tired and frustrated citizens to Tahir Square in Egypt caused a 30 year President to resign. 

Little walks are powerful and can change a nation. Little walks are powerful and can change the world.


A series of Photos from the Protest are available thru my Flickr Feed. Click on it.

Why I March Chicago
#WhyIMarch our photos from the Chicago Women's March on Washington. March, 2017

My older son initially did not want to attend the march with mom. He was concerned about it being a "Women's March" and being the only boy there. My husband, a history buff reminded him about the March's he is learning about in his 6th grade class. King, Freedan, Civil Rights, ERA, etc. The conversation was "go and take part in something bigger than you." You don't want to regret not going when in 20 years people will probably talk about this March and this Election, you can say you were a part of it.  Yes, it really is that simple to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. 

"Yes, it really is that simple 
to be a part of something 
bigger than ourselves. " - Husband

And my husband for safety sake did not want me to take the little ones. One day earlier, in Washington during President Trump's inauguration the protests did get violent and vandalism occurred at the corner Starbuck's. For that reason, if I would need to "run away from danger," Older Son can keep up with you. I am happy to report that the purported nearly 250,000 who attended were peaceful with no violence reported.

If you are reading this post, please post a comment below on what you liked - or didn't  - about this read. Does the topic interest you and you want to know more? Submit a question and I am happy to tackle it.

I add to this sentiment . . . Walk with me my sister and together we can change the world!

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud and walk with me sister.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Green Juicing once a day keeps the Doctor away

As we try to eat healthier at home, sometimes a new recipe helps me step up my motivation. To keep going on the healthy path.

My husband was recently suffering from kidney stones and lesions on his liver and glad bladder. His reaction to this news was very frustrating. His doctor treated the kidney stones and sent him elsewhere for the lesions.

Whats frustrating is healthcare's way of segregation of issues versus looking at the whole body, especially in this case. 

 I have an uncle who juices religiously. He makes smoothies but mostly drinks Raju says on a regular basis. His theory is that the acidity and various juices would get rid of all those lesions. And I'm trying to encourage my husband to go down this path. It's been a few weeks since I've given him this recipe, I've enjoyed it. But I don't think he has.

I refuse to nag. I refuse to beg. I tell him all the time and your wife, not your mother. It's his life and his health therefore his choice and drinking and making these juices. 

Either way its yummy and worth a try. 

Green smoothie


  • 1 lemon, quartered (washed and unpeeled)
  • 1 whole avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 cups spinach
  • ½ bunch parsley
  • ½ bunch cilantro
  • 1 organic cucumber (washed and unpeeled)
  • 1 teaspoon organic extra-virgin olive oil 
  • pinch of sea salt
  • water as needed
Add non fruit/veggie ingredients to the drink after youve made the juice. Consume immediately for maximum nutritional value.

Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh out Loud. Or cry. For those you love. 

When Fear is Around, a poem

"When fear is around" A Poem 

Story behind the poem:

The inspiration behind the poem. When we observe people around us I always say we are outsiders looking in, inside their box. Imagine the world you live in. It is different then mine. Your community, your office. your house. That is "your box." If I were to look inside your world it would like like me taking the lid off the top of the box and looking inside. I am looking into your box. Inside your world.

When we live in our own box, we see things from our perspective. But when an outsider looks into the box they will see things very differently. When my husband and I chat about life, the kids, or work, his perspective is different then mine. We look into eachothers boxes and sometimes see things differently. And that can be helpful, and eye opening (after the frustration of being told how different I am).

When looking into the box, we see people at their best or worst. But we don't analyze ourselves that way.

Both our Babcia's suffer from some level if anxiety and fear (night time fear of the dark, yet saying they are not afraid. Teasing kids with fear of animals, or losing a chess game...) I mean everyone does have some level of fear, or anxiety at some point in their lives. However as they age their fears are sharpened, like a fine point on a sharpened pencil. I just see WHAT their particular fears is more then they recognize it themselves. For one grandma, sometimes it is medical concerns, and death and dying. For the other its the darkness, nighttime and a fear of someone breaking into her home. I would argue we all have these as fears, at some point. Or concerns. I just see it amplified in them because they talk about THESE particular fears often.


Every year.

Her fear.

Every day.

The Beach,
The store,
Every way.

Her fear of the dark has swollen thick,
When driving she fears getting hit,
What, when, where is it
The fear is hers and constant.

All. The. Time.
She can't face it.
She feels it,
She never unwinds.

Do you see that truck? Is the alarm on? In case of fire, keep it armed.
At night I hear her as she dreams, muffled noises, silent screams.

By morning we learn she was running away, from the dark, a man, an animal gone astray.

We can't discuss it,
she denies it's there.
The ever constant,
always growing, Fear.

The storm was so loud,
I laid in bed,
The the trees shook,
Branches scraping above my bed.

Did the siren sound? Did the earth shake?
No major alarms, but it still made her heart quake.

It's the smallest thing,
The quietest creek,
When her ears give alert,
And she listens for it to speak.

Fear says hello
In its own way.
Each of us hearing it,
What does it say?

For me it's the creaking in the hall,
Why is there noise when there should be none at all.

For him it's his wife coming to bed,
It's late, its dark, he rested his head.
Suddenly a light, someone entering the room,
He catches his breath as his heart zooms.

For the children it's the darkness, when they lay their heads.
And they snuggle their animals, warm in their beds.
They fall asleep to the sounds of kids songs,
The pounding of their hearts is drowned and gone.

And Great Grandma she wonders,
Will I fall asleep in my bed,
Or will I fall into that wonderland,
And my body lay cold and dead?
Then her heart pounds,
Her face warms, and she quakes
Her mind racing,
She quivers and quakes.
It's happening, this is the moment it's now,....
When fear takes over and all reason bows down.

I wish her peace, I wish her calm,
I wish her patients thru the it all.
Neither silence or sound,
Can help calm her,
When Fear is Around.


Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>>

Make mistakes, breathe reflect, and turn on a light. Laugh at the dark.
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