Friday, October 31, 2014

Follow me on Twitter to see more of our (Mis)Adventures

Suddenly I See that I am a part of this amazing world, and my job is to raise my two Gentleman and a Lady to the best of my ability. I share our adventures, bug collecting, and general mom at home joys.

The @Minstr0Interior part? I am the "Minister of the Interior" (of my home), of our lives. Until my kids grow up, I am in charge of doing my best, and teaching them everything I know and I'm learning, so they have an (as) excellent as possible example on how they can do it all in their own lives.

We had a nice conversation with friends about life as a stay at home mom, money, life with kids, running a business and all that comes with these life roles rolled into one. Just like a department, in the Ministry, with many sub-jobs helping the Minister run the Interior.

Follow Us on Twitter

I'm still fun, mostly funny, and ALWAYS enjoying time with my kids. We bug collect in Chicago and during all of our explorations of this Amazing World.


And see lots of Pinterest Options for some of my Inspirations and Creations at 
My Pinner Name: Are You Sure About That

Make Mistakes. Breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud

The Halloween "Black and White Witch" Strikes Again, Swapping Candy for Toys

Have you heard of a new tradition of the Black and White Witch? After the trick-or-treats are collected, if your house is anything like ours, she is an amazing fun way to solve the excess candy problem. Yes, I know, just EAT the candy... And we do, but as you'll note from these pictures our 3 kids easily collected 10 pounds of candy! 

Our Halloween candy tends to last all year! Seriously ALL YEAR!  And the way that it lasts all year? Well the black-and-white witch takes care of it. She is a relative of the tooth-fairy,  third cousins, once removed. 

Last year she left us this poem on our front stoop explaining how her operation works:

"I am the witch who is Black and White, 
I fill your Halloween with fright. 
After tonight I must fly away, 
and return to scare the children another day. 
But before I leave I will cast a spell, 
which will not make you feel well. 
You will ache, quake and feel yucky inside… 
But there's a way to put all this aside. 
To break my spell you must give me some sweets, 
but only the ones you don't want to eat! 
I need the sugar to keep me alive, 
until next Halloween I'll survive.
And in exchange for the treats you leave, 
I'll give you something you won't believe! 
For every girl and boy,
you will awake to a brand-new toy! 
Break my spell unless you want to feel yucky inside, 
and get me on my broomstick ride. 
And tomorrow morning you will delight, 
with the toy I've left in your sight. 

Love the Black-&-White Witch"

Last years appearance was a tremendous hit. 

An All Hallows Eve Tradition

During a filling spaghetti dinner (leaving less room for post trick or treat candy), we talk about the All Hallows Eve tradition, and why we dress like ghouls and goblins going house to house to collect candy (do you know why?) 

We dressed warm this year under our costumes to a snowy Chicago Halloween. And even tho we only hit 2-blocks for Trick or Treating, we really scored the mother load of candy. 

The boys sorted their candy, and put their absolute favorites in our candy jar (B&W Witch won't take it since she avoids glass jars). Then they leave out their Halloween Candy Buckets with leftovers for the Witch to take. She returns the favor with a toy. 

In 2013 Bey Blades were all the rage! This year, my dad dropped off more toys that he's filtered from my brothers room... these Awesome Dragon Creatures. Each child gets 2, mom added the candy in the dragons mouths for effect :-) (And I have a sneaky suspicion the rest of the dragons will make an appearance at Christmas! The kids will have a whole set.)

As for the candy, that plastic bag is filled with this years take, it's weighing easily 7 pounds ... I took M&M's out for tomorrow mornings pancakes (the kids will be suffering sugar withdrawal and M&M pancakes are a good fix). Mommy took her butterfingers and Hersey's stash, Dad gets Twix and Kit Kats. The candy bag destiny awaits on the top shelf of the pantry and I will use the goods to refill the candy jar throughout the year.

Happy trick or treats this Halloween. I hope the Black and White Witch makes an appearance at your house soon... Even up to a few days after the Hallow's Eve.

Happy Halloween!

Make Mistakes. Breathe, Reflect, and Laugh.Out.Loud

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Going for a Walk, Again, and Again, and Again...

When my older son was born we went for walks every single day, sometimes even twice a day. Regardless if it was the warmest, sunniest day or the chilliest winter in Chicago, every single day we walked again and again and again.

Update: January 2015

Snowstorm "Lucas" dropped over 19 inches of snow on the Chicagoland area. We were flying back home from Las Vegas that day and we were one of the last flights into O'Hare airport. It's now two weeks later in a beautiful 28° day in Chicago, nearly 10 inches of that snow has melted. So baby girl and I are going for our daily walk. As you can see we still have about a foot of snow.

Back to the Original Post: 2014

My grandmother, his great-grandmother's age old advice, baby should get fresh air every day, and get a little bit of red in their cheeks, that makes for a healthy happy child. And I continue that philosophy even till now, a whole nine years later with my younger son and baby girl.

I'll have to admit, it is nine years later, and we own a home and I have three children and I feel like there's lots more to do. We're also continuing some renovations in our basement and kitchen, so walking every day I'll admit is no longer my priority. However that doesn't mean it's not just as important as it was nearly a decade ago.

Taking a walk is such a simple thing, and I know moms can often feel overwhelmed when they see these great ideas from their friends on Facebook and Twitter doing crafts and activities with their kids. But honestly the best activity that I could've ever done with my children is the simple act of taking a walk.

It doesn't matter when, in the morning, in the afternoon, going to a nearby park, or even an after dinner stroll which is another frequent activity of ours. Walking is just one of those excellent activities because you can be completely engaged with your child. Talking about the changing colors of the trees and the leaves, I'm inspired because it's fall now. Or even in the winter time looking at the snow, throwing snowballs, enjoying the chill in the air, and then of course there's the nature fact even though we live in an urban area of Chicago, there is nature all around us. We listen to the squirrel squeak at each other or the birds chirping trying to identify the call of Blue Jays or Robins.

I had the benefit of starting early with my kids, and I've heard some of my neighbors say they think it's not that we walk around so often, that "their kids" would never want to do something as boring as taking a walk. So if you can start them early, otherwise try and engage your kids in simple acts on the walk, like see how many different colors we can find, how many shades of green there are, how many animals we can find, ooh - what's that sound you hear. As for the older ones try to position it as you-and-me time. I want to head about your day! it's just a way of connecting with them and you listening (i phone left at home for a whole 20 minutes) and not talking.

The other thing I love about walks, is it has built in education and concepts that all her kids need to learn. Clothing that's appropriate for the weather, reminders for moms and dads when we should wear hats gloves and scarves, when do we wear our snowboots versus our boots for fall. Gym shoes or crocs today? Did you remember to go potty before you left the house? Do you have socks on? All things we need to consider and teach our kids, at any age.

So I've been lazy, it's Halloween and there's lots of decorating and pumpkin carving, and we haven't been doing our double walks every day. After lunch I would usually take a stroll with baby girl before her nap, because all the fresh air makes for a well deserved nap that is nice and long. However we of course walk every day to go pick up the boys from school. Older son and younger son are now in a full day program at school which just leaves me time with her. And maybe that's where the laziness sets in? Being Taipei isn't easy. When I'm not overloaded with work, I also feel ironically unmotivated. I know isn't that silly? When I'm not tempting to all three of the children, I feel like I'm being lazy which then turned out to be true laziness because I don't do much.  (I know, its like an illness, my version of don't do much, is not the version of most people's time too much, I admit it.)

Today is a vest day in Chicago. It's a nippy 48°, with a high of 55. Tomorrow is Halloween October 31, 2014. And I'm taking a walk with my baby girl.

Make mistakes. Breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud

Cicada Emerging from Nymph Shell. In Our Playlot, Upclose View

We came home from an outing, accomplishing one of our many visits to somewhere on the Summer Bucket List, and the kids immediately hit our playlot. But today we had a surprise visitor, this dog day cicada got a little stuck on his was out emerging from his nymph shell. The emerging process was slow. . . . We stood there observing him for nearly 30 minutes. The initial moment he broke out his head he stood motionless. We went inside to eat, and when we're turned he was gone, success! Yes, we did collect the nymph shell. It's in our now designated cicada box, July 2013. Make mistakes, breathe, reflect, Laugh.Out.Loud, and go Bug Collecting!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Our Rock Collection, Accessible on the Kitchen Table

Yes, we also collect rocks. We keep our rock collection handy, on the kitchen ledge accessible to the kids. Often, especially while waiting for some sort of food service, they will grab a plastic jar and explore it's contents. We do have a fun simple activity where the kids get a plastic bowl with a little water in it, the kids add the rocks one at a time and guess and explore what will happen to the rock hen it gets wet. After a few dunks, they end up simply guessing the color change they'll see.

My older son loved the wet activity the most. Baby girl is starting to be interested, especially when we did the activity in the yard together.

And when we are out bug collecting, we come across cool rocks on the beach, or fossils along Lake Michigan, these finds come home with us. We aren't pack rats I promise. We don't walk amongst tall rows of stuff. Once a jar gets full it will probably go into our garden... Or a project.... Or something. But for now we have room to grow !

Top view, the sea shells were given to us by our then neighbors who were debating if they should move out of town, to the Sunshine State, they did. And on one of their visits back brought us some beautiful big, free, seashells.

Make Mistakes. Breathe, reflect, and Laugh.Out.Loud

Frozen Bugs - An Alternative way to Kill Jars and prepare Specimens for Pinning

Our Summer 2014 bug collection is getting enourmous! We have exceeded all expectations and crossed the 1,000 specimens mark. Our two biggest finds with nearly 200 insects each added a whopping 400 insects in a brief 2 month (or so) period. We don't always use my unique kill jar method (Acetone nail polish remover on a cotton ball). We often use the freezer method when accessible.

Frozen Bugs - An Alternative way to Kill Jars and prepare Specimens for Pinning 

Which luckily freezers seem to always be accessible. Once we capture an insect, either dead or injured, we put them in our jars, or mom's makeshift bug envelope and freeze them. Freezing is a nice humane method. The insect nearly instantly gets drowsy / gets stunned from the cold. Their so small, the chill affects them instantly. The freezer method is also sterile because the jars (which we clean with soap and water after each capture) don't use chemicals like with traditional kill jars. Any bacteria the insects carry is within the safety of the jar.

In this picture I removed the lid and one fly for a size example. As always, I prefer plastic jars when working with my kids. We simply keep and clean plastic containers from what we love to eat - Nutella containers (with the paper lining from the inner lid removed), a Polish mustard jar (I make my awesome salad dressing with it & of course use a schmear on grilled Polish Sausage), and the blue point is a quickly made envelope (from paper we looked for when we found the Western Conifer Hemiptera).

Insect Pinning Disaster - Fixing a Dragonfly Tail and Leg

At the beginning of the summer I knew this years goal was to:
1. teach the kids hands on pinning and
2. catch a dragonfly.

Insects have their seasonal cycles, so dragonfly's wouldn't be found until August through September.

Insect Pinning Disaster - Fixing a Dragonfly Tail and Leg

Our first goal was achieved and fast. Baby girl started pinning quickly. We organized and outing with our cousins to go bug collecting and pin some specimens (that I gathered previously) to pin when we get back home. That was a fun day helping get others addicted to our hobby.

Back to dragonflies. We had a wonderful friend send us a "Lion Ant" dragonfly she found near her home in McHenry County. We talked about packaging him securely in a plastic bag, adding him to a box a firm envelope so he doesn't break further. Yes we get everyone involved in our collecting! ! ! And all are welcome!

You can see that the specimen had its limb and tail broken off. However, no worries, we can easily fix these kind of problems.

First pin the dragonfly. Luckily I didn't have to rehydrate (soften) the specimen.

Then using as little clear nail polish as possible, I attached the limb. I tend to blow on the glue spot (where the Nail polish is added) to quicken the drying process.

Ladybugs shadow box has a home - found lots of insects

When we found our PAYLOAD of ladybugs at Loyola beach this summer, I already had a plan in the back of my mind to display them in some interesting (to me) way. We did label almost 50 of them when I remembered that I had a shadow box at home that I could use to make a display for them. Nice enough that husband would like seeing it on the wall.

The box needed some TLC, the walls holding the glass needed to be wiped down and glued in place. It's a thrifty find, so I also pulled out (okay, just ripped) the ceramic tiny vases it displayed. I also washed and dried the glass. Then I pulled out the velvet backing and added a styrofoam layer to hold the pins more securely. Then, to be sure I didnt out in all this effort and have to make changes to the design and layoutlater, I added a few pins on each corner as a test if I could anchor the box where the backing "slips in" and have the lady's go into the box undisturbed also. Once I determined how much room I needed on each side, I only had to sketch out my design for the pin layout. That was a fast drawing since I saw the layout in my minds eye already.

Ladybugs shadow box has a home - found lots of insects

At first, I added both the pinned and card point ones, however the white of the card points stood out too much against the black velvet background. I first took one lady off her card point, then easily removed another, and another. One may have lost a leg, but for the most part they "came off" easily. It's clear nail polish that we use as their glue. I could've applied effort and use nail polish remover and a q-tip, however I was so excited and in the moment I couldn't pull myself away (and I had to get the kids to bed in 30 minutes and a meeting in the morning, so... No polish remover!).

New Book on American Bumble Bee and Chart on Insect Specimen Identification

At the library tonight we came across a great new book on American Bumble Bee has wonderful species identification references inside. (Maybe this method of species identification is just "new" to me?) So easy to review which species you may have based on the color coded variations. Brilliant!!! I cant believe I haven't seen this before?! And I am amazed at the subtle variations from species to species.

This is a page reference on species of bee. Look at the minor variation between sketches, where yellow is filled in and isn't.
Here she included specimen names next to the sketch, for newbie entomologists like me. . . This is young love!

This is my old way of keeping an identification method for bees. Pure pictures we find by chance, like this billboard at the LaPorte County Fair which we visit in Indiana every year.

My Regular Good Deed

I frequent our area Aldi store. Its one of those grocery stores where its a help yourself customer service model. The aisles are full of grocery's still in boxes, the top few are opened and customers help themselves to the goods. Then you can use the emptied boxes to pack your groceries instead of boxes.

Their shopping carts work similarly where you insert a quarter to release the locking mechanism and use the cart. When you return and lock your cart the quarter is released.

however leave my quarter, every time. I like to think it puts a smile on someones face when they find it. Yes, its only a quarter, but its still a nice and good deed, right. I think Karma likes it because once I was without a quarter and low and behold it was in a cart, waiting for me. (It wasn't MY quarter either!)

My kids always want to keep the quarter, but I encourage them to leave it for someone (and then we end up discussing how happy THEY get when they find money on the ground. I know it's not $$ millions $$, but it makes me feel good. Who Doesn't like to Find a Penny? Well here's a quarter.

> Random acts of kindness, pass it along.
> Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and laugh out loud!

Inspirational letter for my Brother on his Special Occasion

Inspirational letter to my Brother Matthew

When my brother was completing his Confirmation, the woman who was running the program was very thorough and serious about her role and what the children were learning. She did an excellent job to run the program and the class. The family received a letter and, parents and sponsors (thats me) were asked to give him an inspirational letter that he would read on his retreat. This is what I wrote....

For the purpose of this letter you should know he is my brother, 20 years and 5 days my junior. I was in the room when he was delivered (as lamaze coach), I was the first person in our family to hold him, I filled out his birth certificate, and he is so much more to me than my brother!

My father is remarried, and my stepmom and I are very close as well.  She knows me since I was a little girl and luckily we've stayed close. I grew up as an only child, a happy but lonely childhood. So, when I found out she was expecting I was so incredibly joyful. I was attending Junior College and deciding where to go "away" to school for my Bachelors Degree and beyond... But LITERALLY that night it all changed. I decided to continue school and live at home. (For the sake of story telling the night I found out my step-mom was expecting I had to tell someone. I couldn't call my mom, just be because she wouldn't share that same level if enthusiasm. And I discovered I really had no one who would've shared that level if enthusiasm. (I'm so glad I had 3 kids JUST so they have someone to share these moments with, on their level, from a shared background and history.) 

I drove to my uncle's house (where I'd actually start living and renting an apartment a short two years later) to share the news. He was happy for me, but not nearly at my level of joy. (In all fairness I cry when I'm happy when my kids get something cool, like a movie pass, or off to pumpkin picking.)

That's some background. I did some research on "Inspirational Letters" and googled terms along those lines, but I wanted to share my enthusiasm for him as a person, someone I loved (more like a mothers love then a sisters), and I treasure him. How could I convey that importance? 

I also held values and beliefs about what family is and how ti find your purpose that varied a little from his parents... My brother and I have talked about this. But this was a moment to solidify our shared thoughts and feelings on the values we had discussed so many times.

Their were lots of poems, generalities on what to include, but each reference gave ME inspiration for my final letter.

The letter was handwritten on white paper and glued to a "fancy paper" for a nice handmade, time invested, touch."

"All About Matthew."

You are important to me and here's why...

I was planning college, going of to school, life - at that time - was all about me, and when I found out your mom was pregnant I was  thrilled because I always wanted a brother or sister. You were so important before you were even born. That moment changed my life because I knew I wanted to have a relationship with you. 

Age 2 running in the yard, giving hugs and kisses. I saw you at least once a week for years - to be sure - we would know eachother well.

Spending time with you growing up filled a big gap in my life - sharing things with someone you love, secrets from parents (even if it was just eating ice cream before dinner) was amazing. And you were always so happy to share with me - dinosaurs and books - letting me read to you and snuggle at bedtime.

Do you remember our family trip to Canada and talking about the stars?

It was always a special part of my day to see you. I hope you have felt that I always wanted you to be a big part of my life.

So when it was time for me to have my own kids, you are apart of the inspiration for my decision to stay home and raise them. You grew up so fast - I didn't want to miss a moment of the magic we shared  with my kids too. I see how important a relationship is with the people we love. With teaching kids everything we know to give them the best chance in life.
...  And now, since you know how important you are to me, I want to share with you some important things I've learned to help me in life... And to help you be the Man you are meant to Become!!

...I want you to continue to be who you are, and don't be afraid to push yourself to be the best you can. I want you to push boundries and dream big because so far you have shown you really can do anything.

... Completely immerse yourself in new ideas and things that interest you, it's great how you keep learning new things and really LOVE learning. I envy that your so young with a whole life - to dream and create - in front of you.

... I know when we hear "thank you's" it can make us shy or feel weird, that's normal. But still it is really important to tell the people we care about how we feel.

... You have great enthusiasm, and sense of humor, you are quick to learn new things, you are so lovable, caring to your family and friends, and very generous. Don't ever stop these things!

There's a few things I learned growing up from those around us:

-- When you know something people around you know that you do - feel secure in that.

-- Always give people a chance, especially those you love or care about. That means sometimes giving a 2nd chance too.

-- Remember people are usually more good then bad, but try to learn something from everyone you meet, even if it's what not to do. Be sure to stop and listen most of the time.

-- Remember lying is always wrong, especially to those we love. The few times I've lied in my life it has been to try and protect someone's feelings, which I felt was more important then the lie. Being upfront about the issue is sometimes a better choice!

-- When u get a compliment just say thank you, all of us get uncomfortable so just having something to say makes taking praise easier. Smile and say Thanks!

-- Keep pushing boundries and limits, keep building with legos, keep writing and aspiring to be an author, if you follow your passion you will be successful. And most importantly happy with yourself.

-- In life, with growing technology and daily tasks keeping us busy, it's hard to remember to tell the people we care about why their important. Sometimes saying what we feel is hard. But more important to say something then keeping it to yourself. So I wanted to be sure to take the time to tell you how important you are to me.

Sometimes we will argue, and as you get older and form your own opinions we might not see eye to eye. But that's ok! We may differ, that's normal, but know I'm always listening to you and care about how you feel. And I'll want to hear what your opinion is.

Family is important because those are the people you are tied to in your life. We are rubber bands, and even when we stretch and go far away from each other, we always spring back to each other. I'm am happy you are a part if my life and I look forward to you "Uncle Matt" and hopefully my sons having a similar relationship. I hope they can learn from you and the things you love.

I am proud to walk as a companion in your journey thru faith.

Know that I will always love and care about you no... matter... what...

I love you always! 

Make mistakes. Breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, October 20, 2014

DIY Elastic Laces for Gym Shoes

My older son wore these nice Adidas shoes twice, then his foot grew! So I kept them for when younger son would be ready to wear them. Younger son is anxious to wear them now, however, since we wear crocs all the time he doesn't tie his shoes yet.

I've seen these great elastic no-lace ties for gym shoes. There colorful and pricey  $5-10 for the pair, but they solve our problem of not tying shoes yet. Meanwhile I was working on my fur collar project, adding lining and elastic to run a scarf or necklace under the collar. That's when I realized I could use regular elastic for his shoes, and save a bundle. 

I guesstimated the length, laced up his shoes and loosened along the way. I didn't want the laces to be tight so the elastic has room to move and be flexible. If the elastic remained tightly laced it would probably break quickly.

I double knotted the ends. We bought a good quality elastic, so we didn't have to worry about the ends fraying. I could've probably heated the ends if they did fray to seal them.

So far it's been two months and younger son is enjoying his gym shoes daily. And if the elastic breaks, I'll replace them again.

My Young Sons New Elastic Laces

Baby girl has tap shoes that are missing their pretty laces. We did something similar on hers, using hair ties. 

Make Mistakes. Breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Poem: Me

Poem: ME

When yacking with the girls over a drink,
Sometimes I tend to think.
Am I a dying breed?
I think so with all my little deeds.

Just because I like to sew, 
cook lunch thru dinner, clean and mow.
Jack of all trades like a handy man,
An "Expert in nothing" proudly I am. 
To Fix a drip and a squeaky floor,
I'll use pliers and sprinkle talc near the door.

Sewing our costumes is not a trick,
Near the dogs collar I remove a tick
Makin' lobster bisque or (oooh) corn chowder,
To slide into my jeans I'll sprinkle baby powder.

Spring time digging, planting, is my joy,
Helping the kids bring out summer toys.
Making fresh penne in Pesto Paste,
Making mulch with vegetable waste.
In the falls collecting seeds, 
Grateful that there are no weeds.
Shopping lists which I don't dread,
Yes, I use my own bags instead!

We enjoy meals with a cloth napkin,
And cloth diapers our babies sat in.
I'm proud of the things that I can do,
And frankly I enjoy my life too.

So instead of sharing my latest tip,
I'll just sit here and take a sip.

The Story Behind the Poem:

When I first gave birth to my Older Son, at the 4 month mark I remember a cousin asked me "What do you do all day?" I laugh now at the thought. Truly running a household, is a full time job and a half (when my employed husband is home he helps out too). Yes I could eat ice cream all day, but the fruit is so much more rewarding when you grew it yourself.

So, at our bi-monthly girls nights I often sit, and listen. I dont share everything I do at home (I haven't even shared this blog). Because they do so much in their daily lives, SAHM stuff is boring... Time consuming... And it's a little sick that I enjoy it.

by: Areyousureaboutthatblog Author
Not Authorized for Reproduction Without Permission

Make Mistakes. Breath, Reflect. and Laugh.Out.Loud

Friday, October 3, 2014

Trouble with Mold and Insect Collecting - Take Out Containers As Storage

As we go about collecting our insects, I often arrive at overflow issues. My 2 metal "cookie containers" are full, as is my large Tupperware container storing all our ladybugs from the Loyola beach visit (waiting for labels). I started using our takeout containers to store and pin some of the bugs, and I noticed this soft white growth on my specimens.

Trouble with Mold and Insect Collecting - Take Out Containers As Storage

These boxes have all been filled in the last few days, since it's the end of summer and the insects are "dropping like flies, or bees - as the case may be. These specimens we've collected in our neighborhood - many of which are found in the afternoon en route to pick up the boys after school or after our late afternoon park visit. We don't see these on our morning walks to school (except for the Bumble Bee in the left box, without Pollen baskets, he was sitting on a flower on a chilly September morning, alive but stunned). We always have a big jar with us this time of year. My Older son found it and collected him off the weeds my neighbor grows, and then when we returned home he was frozen. But not before he started buzzing about in the warmth of my pocket.

Apparently these containers, which don't have any apparent cracks, are not air tight. I store the insect supplies and specimens pending labels in our kitchen bench (moved off the dining room table - yaay!). Life with kids is busy, and labeling is so time consuming. (Note to self: find a pre-made label solution.)
Here's our temporary storage (in takeout containers) where we keep the bugs after they are pinned, they "cure" in the positions I've staged them in, keeping there legs out, antennae up, etc. They await their labels too, so I keep scrap paper in the box with my shortcut note on the bug type, date found, by whom, and where. 

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