Monday, March 28, 2016

Baby Girls Birth and Older Sons Questions over the Phone

Older son was at my Babcia's house when I called him to announce the birth of our baby girl. We knew when she was coming. That morning mom and dad went to the hospital early and his Tia took him to school. After class aunt picked him up and walked him over to grandmas. 

He usually doesn't like talking on the phone. He is 7 years old. The enthusiasm I experienced from talking to him was so wonderful.

Here were his questions that mom had the pleasure of answering:
From the boy who doesn't like talking over the phone:...

How is the baby?

Can u take a picture of her and bring it home for me to see?

Can we print a picture for my 1st grade teacher cause she wants to see her for sure (with emphasis)!

What did she eat? "Mom's milk" I said, and he asked: "well when can she eat a banana?"

When can I meet her?

Mom - you know that song, (mumble/hum and sings) "My baby is one day old,' [Five Days Old from Laurie Berkner cd] 'mom you can sing it to her... No sing her mama's don't let ur babies grow upto be cowboys..."

Mom: "I think you should sing her all of those" - son said OK

Ok bye mom - the whole phone call was crazy happy!!

2012-09-30  007
Welcome to our lives Baby Girl! 

Make mistake, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Crazy Easy No Bake Granola Bars

My dear cousin passed along this recipe. cannot even think of how many times I have made these. I am posting them here because I lose recipes and other notes all the time. . . the blog serves many a purpose. I am forever indebted to my cousin who passed this along from her co-worker. All I had to do was ask at our cousins weekly play dates.



2 C Oats (Quick or Old Fashioned)

½ C Chopped walnuts

2 T Flaxseed

4 T Wheat germ

2 C Unsweetened puff cereal

1 C Dried fruits

½ C Peanut butter(creamy or crunchy- add a little extra if using chunky)

½ C Brown sugar

½ C Honey

1 t Vanilla

Spray 9x13 pan with cooking spray. Mix all dry ingredients, add dried fruit.
In a pan on the stove melt together brown sugar, honey and peanut butter. Stir for a few minutes while bubbly. Pour over your dry mixture and stir. Pour into the pan, spread out and pat down firmly. Cut into bars, can be refrigerated.

Yeah - I know, so easy! 

More ways I get recipes. I just need the ingredients list and
I can figure out the ratios. . . Listed from most to least in quantity
in the recipe. Happy Eating. Yum. 

Make mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Once Upon a Time a Butterfly came to visit... landed on my purse

My grandmother lives just a hop away from my place. And in the summer when we have lotsa time, we walk over and see her pretty regularly. En route to the park, back form the park, or just to go by her place. The new spring like weather has inspired this post. I was reviewing my flickr photo hosting page, for this blog, and realized I hadn't included these photos from a few years back.

Now we all love grandma, but she can be a bit overwhelming. You think I talk a lot? HA! And we have these great little moments, when I want quiet, to observe the kids, or answer their questions - and here comes Babcia yelling from the other room the start of her story and she will continue and finish as she approaches wherever you are. 

One afternoon in late summer - baby girl was about one years old, younger son was four - we returned from the park and visited Babcia. And as we walked up the back stairs a Butterfly landed on my purse. Baby girl noticed first. We were in awe. 

We stood there observing the little creature, catching some sun, and not afraid at all. So we sat on the deck, quietly, and we didn't tell grandma we were there yet. I love grandma but she would come out all full of life and commotion and our new found friend would fly away. 

Butterfly at Grandmas
Baby girl first noticed this swallowtail butterfly that landed on my purse.

So we sat, and observed him. He opened and closed his wings just a few times, and then kept them open. Catching the warm sun rays. This was really an amazing moment. We were outside for about 10 mintutes - which when watching a butterfly are L-O-N-G minutes....but everyone was enjoying this. 

Butterfly by Grandmas
He sat thru many photos. 
And then it happened. Babcia came out on the desk. What are you doing here? Why didn't you come in? (Iam meanwhile putting my finger to my lips, ssshhhhhhhhhhh... yeah - right - liek that will work!) "Babcia Sshhhh" the kids say.  Finally she quiets down. and we point to the butterfly. She just can't understand why we are sitting and watching it. I love her but this was a quiet time.

Observing Insects before it was cool in Kids play microscope

One of the few things we keep year to year as the kids age is this microscope. Even now as we have gotten into bug collecting, the kids will take out the insect slides and learn facts and bits and pieces about the critters. here my now Older son was exploring.

Observing Insects before it was cool in Kids play microscope

Observing in my play microscope

Just to think it all started around this time - our blog has grown into a bug collecting guide. And so has our YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Please visit and subscribe.

Want more of this type of post? 

Observing Insects before it was cool in Kids play microscope

How about in video versions. . . 

Our Summer Bucket List - Northpark Nature Center and Learning about Spittlebugs - End of Summer

Last week we went on a walk at our local Nature Center, and I found these bunches of bubbles on plants. I assumed it was some sort of insect but I didn't know what it was. My daughter shouts enthusiastically now, it was a Spittlebug!! 

Our Summer Bucket List - Northpark Nature Center and Learning about Spittlebugs - End of Summer

I remember being on a trip to Wisconsin Dells and feeling these six drops of rain falling on me from under the trees. However it wasn't raining. That trip was last year when I was already paying attention to the bugs around me. I still did not know what it was, until seen this at the nature center. 

They had a handout on programs they had which included learning about spittlebugs which I assumed was this little creature. 

Spittlebugs, Learning and Summer Fun Combined, First Week on Our Summer Bucket List 2015 

Free learning at nature centers, these activities eat up our day!

Spittlebugs, Learning and Summer Fun Combined, First Week on Our Summer Bucket List 2015

Spittlebugs, Learning and Summer Fun Combined, First Week on Our Summer Bucket List 2015

Spittlebugs, Learning and Summer Fun Combined, First Week on Our Summer Bucket List 2015

Peggy Notebart nature Museum - a great way to see Insects

Our Family hobby: Bug collecting. We did a bug study and review at the Peggy Notebart Nature Museum Bug Installation Exhibit Display. Mom is showing young son how big the bug is compared to something familiar, like moms finger. YES, those are huge beetles.

Peggy Notebart nature Museum - a great way to see Insects


With Younger Son

How about in video versions. . . 

Peggy Notebart nature Museum - a great way to see Insects

Monday, March 14, 2016

What do Kids Really Want? Shockingly Simple Reply. These are go to activities to make part of the everyday routine, because they already are.

What do we really want? What do our kids want? Love, comfort, food for my younger son. Recently a very nice list came out on Lifehacker for what kids really want. I was surprised and It may me make sure these items made it to my daily mommy list of things to do!

Here is a list of the top ten things students around the world said they remembered and loved most about their mothers. WOW, just WOW! Can you imagine, being able to have a list of things that you KNEW would make a positive impact on your kids and their childhood memories? Yes please! 

The following list has been incorporated into my daily, and I am happy to say some of these things have been my parenting sanity thru these years. I linked through to my blog pages on things we do already. . . 

Happy Reading! Happy Changes!! 

  • Come into my bedroom at night, tuck me in and sing me a song. Also tell me stories about when you were little. (and when YOU were little...)
  • Give me hugs and kisses and sit and talk with me privately. (yup, big one.)
  • Spend quality time just with me, not with my brothers and sisters around.
  • Give me nutritious food so I can grow up healthy.
  • At dinner talk about what we could do together on the weekend.
  • At night talk to me about about anything; love, school, family etc. (my older son and I talk EVERY NIGHT, I can't believe I haven't blogged about that yet!)
  • Let me play outside a lot. (2 separate links.)
  • Cuddle under a blanket and watch our favorite TV show together.
  • Discipline me. It makes me feel like you care. (3 links, this is a big one for us.)
  • Leave special messages in my desk or lunch bag.

As Simple as going for a walk together. Often!
Here younger son takes a few minutes to check out some ants
(this is before our bug collecting journey began.)

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, March 7, 2016

How to Talk to your kids about Current Events, Gun Control, and other very uncomfortable things. Talking to kids about abduction. How One Mom did Start the Conversation...

You know how Facebook friends post on current events and you don't chime in, that's me. I do click "like" to scope out and follow the post, and comments. To see where the pulse of America is (okay my circle of friends America, and their friends). It's perspective... And it gets me thinking about what is happening in the world around me.

How to Talk to your kids about Current Events, Gun Control, and other very uncomfortable things. Talking to kids about abduction. 

How One Mom did Start the Conversation...

I also realize that this is the place that I note my reflections and said Facebook Post. Recently a facebook friend had a post on gun control. I don't always chime in, I leave it for the here... But this time I did comment. I commented? Me? I don't know why. And then I wanted to delete my comment when I had to run out and left the deleting for later. And when I got back to Facebook, my Comments had comments...

I'm definitely not conservative, but on this issue I am. Or I am liberal? (I am the daughter of a hunter and let me say venison - yum). I feel my job as a parent is to prepare my kids for what life has to throw at them. And when these public "health and safety" issues arise my position is constant: I try to teach my kids to constantly be "defensive." And my comment was in this zone, prepare your kids.

"But this time I did comment. I commented?
Me? I don't know why. And then I wanted
to delete my comment . . . ("Don't Get Involved.") I
had to run out and left the deleting for later. 
And when I got back to Facebook, my comment had

So a gal wanted perspective on "how" to start the kid conversation. She doesn't know where to begin on such a difficult subject. . . And I have been there to. Where to start?


From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>>

After every shooting for 2 years now we talk about possible shootings at school, home, and we talk escape plans, how to hide. I am not an army of one, I cant stop the shooting, crimes, bad drivers. But I can teach the kids to run away from shootings, be defensive drivers, and when to fight back.

"How" to start the kid conversation.
She didn't know where to begin on
such a difficult subject . . . 
at first neither did I."

When I read the book and blogged about "IT" - talking to Kids about Sex - the author said Kids Do Know what is being discussed in the media. Kids hear what we parents say in the background. Even if you don't think they are paying attention they absolutely hear the news that you are watching on TV. 

Wager Farm Cow Drinking Water
I have to teach these little ones all the important things in life,
unfortunately that includes gun control, strangers, and other
scary current events
And he gives specific examples. Think of that Moment when kids ask You "Mommy, why was the Movie theater shot up?" Or after the recent shootings in Chicago, the kids heard a lot of talk at school. These things happen, we can not keep kids in earmuffs. So I have take the "prepare them" route. At least their friends wont be the only source of information, and hopefully they'll always know they can come to mom for information.

As for the kids...

The first conversation was hard, then they come easier. When kidnappings from stores are on the news, we talk about screaming, kicking, and biting. A mentally ill shooter, we talk about that too. I hope they aren't paralyzed with fear and they know to run away.

The actual message:

So I am typing you a reply, and its genuine and honest - please know take it for what its worth and adjust for your own parenting style. I don't wanna offend anyones values, this just works for our house.

"It's a shocking moment when kids
ask You 'Mommy, why was the Movie
theater shot up?"

Mine are 10, 7, and 3. After the Target incident I was suddenly inclined to ask them: "what would you do if someone grabbed you at a store?" I let them answer ... Then I asked "what if they Ask you to go with them?" It puts the kids in the right state of mind to think for themselves. In that moment their not afraid, their thinking defensively.

Later, as were driving, I start to tell them my insights: No one can take you/touch you without moms permission. No one can give you candy without my permission. (They know cause when restaurants wanna give them a lollipop at the cashier, they have to come and ask me 1st or I take it away.)

Then I said no one can touch you or grab you or a store Clerk even says "come on your mom lost you." If they do, run away, bite them, scream your head off, be the Naughty kid who is yelling!! Kidnappers don't wanna draw attention, right? (The kids really liked the idea of it being okay to be naughty and crazy in this instance).

This parts important: after hearing an FBI kidnapping expert on Oprah. Children must know its not their fault if they're taken. If mommy did lose you, you wont be in trouble. And if someone takes you to their home, keep fighting, keep trying to get away.

We have seriously had 100's of talks. When the girl was hidden in the woods underground and kept trying to send her mom texts, I told my kids, cause that's how she was found.

Fear for kids does come days later. "Mommy I don't want anyone to take me away." I reassure them that I will always do my best to keep them safe, but some people are crazy - if you are afraid know you can run and/or fight. That's their only "power" in a situation.

Good luck and keep talking!


Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . .  Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play. 

From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )

See It Live >>>

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Downton Abbey can teach you How to Believe in Something.. (Season 2,Episode 1 and 2)

Downton Abbey can teach you How to Believe in Something...

We can learn a lot from Downton Abbey about instilling values and understanding in our children. While the show is set in early 1900's England, following a sometimes stuffy, aristocratic, life of leisure. Where footmen and maids do everything from cook and clean to dress their Lord and Lady employers, there is a tremendous amount of perspective to be gained in the amount of time spent doing ... nothing!

Time spent walking, dressing, preparing for dinner (that is getting dressed for dinner) allows for a lot of time think, andcontemplate  all that is in our lives.  One thing time, extreme amounts of leisure time, gives you is the ability to reflect and consider, ponder, and gain perspective on how you want to shape your life. What are your opinions, values and how will you live those beliefs. You have time to process your reaction ti a story or new idea, and how it relates to your daily life.

When war struck Downton, it was so refreshing to see Lord Grantham and his family and servants appreciation of soldiers. A deep appreciation for their commitment and valor, regardless of the opinions of the war. During the war civilians felt there country was fighting for something they, as a whole society, could believe in. In World War I, young men were very anxious to sign up for the war.

Perhaps it was naïveté. Perhaps we know better today how horrible war is. With the instant ability on the Internet being able to see the brutality and the severity of war. Even tho they - the people of England - didn't see or understand the brutality of war, there was still support in 1917. But what I have come to admire is there sheer support of the soldiers. Regardless of position in society, wealth, stature, and even with little understanding of what it meant to be on the "front lines," there was support for those who were called to duty-- and shame for those who didn't or ran.

How they thought of the boys on the front, how they talked about war, how they supported them, how they understood the troops were sacrificing their lives, their families, and everything that they had in their lives, to go be on the front. I wish we had that type of support for soldiers today. If there's one thing we could hold onto from the early 20th century it would be that (perhaps blind) appreciation.

Believe me when I say I am the first one who is antiwar, but I have to be able to support those who sacrificed their lives to go overseas and do what their country calls them to do. I am not patriotic from that perspective. I think War should be avoided at all costs. We are such an advanced society yet we use such antiquated approaches as boots on the ground war. And if we are at war it should be understood why. 

Ironically all my opinions listed above on why not to go to war lack the support for our soldiers. I recognize that. And there it is, the demise of our nation. Of us. Of me. We get so caught up in opinion we forget about those who are LITERALLY caught up in The fight. 

But I'm just laymen, not a decision-maker in Washington. So all I can do to support the troops is Not just in my blog, but also into deeds.

How can we support our troops? How can we show - that even if we are against the war - that the troops should get our thank you?

No spoiler alerts here. At the end of Downton Abbey season one, the country is involved in World War I. At the time of course it's just considered a war and not yet the Great War to end all Wars. The beginning of season two, which shows that all the young men are being enlisted or already fighting in the war. The footman from downtown are all gone. And there's the sheer shock of ladies taking over men's work, women learning how to drive and do farm work. 

A Lady from the manor becoming a nurse. The maids serving dinner (the horror for Carson the Butler). But for these aristocrats it was doing "their sacrifice" to support the war. And the answer to how we today can support our troops, in comments, actions and deeds just like the people of Downton Abbey.

Everyone pulled together to help. Farms lost all their man power/ hands, someone else would go to drive the tractor for that farmer. Troops who are healing from the war, need a place to convalesce and the manor home is opened up to take them so they can continue to get used to their conditions. And even a soldier suffering from "shell shock" gets the support of a shoulder and kind words from a coworker saying that she "understands" and giving him a story of how she can relate to his state of mind. Encouraging him not to work yet, encouraging him to heal his mind from the war. How does this relate to us today, what can we do?

My son's school had a drive for some soldiers in Afghanistan to fill a shoebox with playing cards, candy, snacks, and things along those lines including pairs of shoe laces for the soldiers. That was my first time participating in something like this drive to have goods sent overseas. Otherwise I really didn't know how else to support the troops.

Then we had a soldier in the family come home from Iraq. He too is suffering from PTSD. All I could do is talk to him when he opens up. And NOT ask about shootings over there, and the gruesomeness over there. Instead be kind and Tell him we are glad to have him home and to be a member of the family again.

Finally when my children were a little bit older we had another cousin who was overseas in Afghanistan. This time his wife had told me that he really enjoyed Polish "kabanos" snack sized sausage. It reminded him of his childhood. You can find for yourself some stories of what it's like to be in a hot desert for 30 days with only your MREs and nothing else but sand around you. You long for something from home. So sending him some Polish Kabanos was something that he could only think or dream about. Such joy for a young man away from the comforts of home, I hoped. And it was so easy for me to send it to him.

Do something, anything, to support our soldiers weather you believe in the war(s) or not! Often magazines list ideas of how you can participate thru organizations, often local churches holding drives, even your schools.

But, if nothing else, extend your hand to a veteran and say thanks. Shaking hands is so simple, so unexpected, and so appreciated!

Commentary on Downton Abbey Season 2, Episode 1 and 2.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

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