How to Talk to your kids about Current Events, Gun Control, and other very uncomfortable things. Talking to kids about abduction.
How One Mom did Start the Conversation...
I also realize that this is the place that I note my reflections and said Facebook Post. Recently a facebook friend had a post on gun control. I don't always chime in, I leave it for the here... But this time I did comment. I commented? Me? I don't know why. And then I wanted to delete my comment when I had to run out and left the deleting for later. And when I got back to Facebook, my Comments had comments...
I'm definitely not conservative, but on this issue I am. Or I am liberal? (I am the daughter of a hunter and let me say venison - yum). I feel my job as a parent is to prepare my kids for what life has to throw at them. And when these public "health and safety" issues arise my position is constant: I try to teach my kids to constantly be "defensive." And my comment was in this zone, prepare your kids.
"But this time I did comment. I commented?
Me? I don't know why. And then I wanted
to delete my comment . . . ("Don't Get Involved.") I
had to run out and left the deleting for later.
And when I got back to Facebook, my comment had
So a gal wanted perspective on "how" to start the kid conversation. She doesn't know where to begin on such a difficult subject. . . And I have been there to. Where to start?
From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )
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After every shooting for 2 years now we talk about possible shootings at school, home, and we talk escape plans, how to hide. I am not an army of one, I cant stop the shooting, crimes, bad drivers. But I can teach the kids to run away from shootings, be defensive drivers, and when to fight back.
"How" to start the kid conversation.
She didn't know where to begin on
such a difficult subject . . .
at first neither did I."
When I read the book and blogged about "IT" - talking to Kids about Sex - the author said Kids Do Know what is being discussed in the media. Kids hear what we parents say in the background. Even if you don't think they are paying attention they absolutely hear the news that you are watching on TV.
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I have to teach these little ones all the important things in life,
unfortunately that includes gun control, strangers, and other
scary current events
As for the kids...
The first conversation was hard, then they come easier. When kidnappings from stores are on the news, we talk about screaming, kicking, and biting. A mentally ill shooter, we talk about that too. I hope they aren't paralyzed with fear and they know to run away.
The actual message:
So I am typing you a reply, and its genuine and honest - please know take it for what its worth and adjust for your own parenting style. I don't wanna offend anyones values, this just works for our house.
"It's a shocking moment when kids
ask You 'Mommy, why was the Movie
theater shot up?"
Mine are 10, 7, and 3. After the Target incident I was suddenly inclined to ask them: "what would you do if someone grabbed you at a store?" I let them answer ... Then I asked "what if they Ask you to go with them?" It puts the kids in the right state of mind to think for themselves. In that moment their not afraid, their thinking defensively.
Later, as were driving, I start to tell them my insights: No one can take you/touch you without moms permission. No one can give you candy without my permission. (They know cause when restaurants wanna give them a lollipop at the cashier, they have to come and ask me 1st or I take it away.)
Then I said no one can touch you or grab you or a store Clerk even says "come on your mom lost you." If they do, run away, bite them, scream your head off, be the Naughty kid who is yelling!! Kidnappers don't wanna draw attention, right? (The kids really liked the idea of it being okay to be naughty and crazy in this instance).
This parts important: after hearing an FBI kidnapping expert on Oprah. Children must know its not their fault if they're taken. If mommy did lose you, you wont be in trouble. And if someone takes you to their home, keep fighting, keep trying to get away.
We have seriously had 100's of talks. When the girl was hidden in the woods underground and kept trying to send her mom texts, I told my kids, cause that's how she was found.
Fear for kids does come days later. "Mommy I don't want anyone to take me away." I reassure them that I will always do my best to keep them safe, but some people are crazy - if you are afraid know you can run and/or fight. That's their only "power" in a situation.
Good luck and keep talking!
Our family has had many adventures through the years. Mom, the @Minstr0Interior had an a-ha moment . . . Suddenly I See what we will have filled our life with, ADVENTURES! We travel, craft, sing, dance, collect insects and spend loads of time together. Sometimes too much time together. Our kids have recently begun to document their own adventures, and so this channel was born. Enjoy our adventures. Or not. WANT MORE? If there is a blog post accompanying this video we will share it here. Sometimes we will include the ingredients list of the craft or recipe, or the itinerary of our trip. In the meantime click play.
From our family: 👍 + 🙃 + ❤️ ( Thumbs up, emoji face, hearts! )
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