Monday, May 27, 2013

Prenatal Iron Supplement helped me change my Life & Health

When I was pregnant with my first son I decided to stay home and be what we lovingly refer to as “family manager.” My method of learning is to read everything I can get my hands on and see where the opinions range from Left or Right, and then I decide where I stand. So I started reading about pregnancy tips, and symptoms of carrying a baby. I started to learn about the bodies natural way of dealing with illness and more importantly the natural remedies to helping some of my common troubles.

Of course I talked with my doctor about my concerns, but even in that instance there was a variety of opinions. My prenatal care and delivery doctors was a practice of five women OBGYN. The process was that you had an assigned primary doctor but then you also saw the other four women in the practice on a rotation, since we don’t know our delivery dates, anyone could be on call.

My first sons doctor said I was anemic and prescribed a prenatal iron supplement – which also caused constipation. So with that prescription I also received over the counter prenatal vitamins with a stool softener. A common issue in pregnancy apparently. Well as many moms know there are natural ways to relieve constipation for a baby. Prune juice, mixed with water is gentle enough or babies still developing intestines and is a great support for adults to. By my sons 2nd birthday I was learning even more about nutrition and things like the importance of Omega 3 fatty acids, and fiber in the diet or the lack there of as was in my case…

I was now pregnant with my 2nd son and had a different primary doctor in the same womens OBGYN practice. My anemia was significantly less of a problem (by now I had a new diet eating fairly healthy with lots of green leafy vegetables – a great source of natural iron). But here is the kicker. My doctor said "I could take a supplement for the iron but the way that iron was absorbed in pill form it wouldn’t make a significant difference for me. And it has not been proven to be an absolute necessity in pregnancy."

But do you notice what’s lacking in the information from both doctors? No discussion of nutrition or healthy eating. Granted the 2nd time around my doctor was more conservative in her "prescription" approach, but still didn’t mention overall the need for iron in my diet or during my pregnancy by encouraging specifics on healthy eating. But neither doctor (even though they were both great!) said eat more green leafy vegetables and broccoli! Wouldn’t that be the easiest solution. Yes it would.

I am not going to tackle if that’s the doctors main role in my pregnancy. An OBGYN is there to care for mom and the unborn baby within reason. Mostly looking for something wrong. If I wanted nutrition advice I should see a nutritionist right?

Well I did something about it. I continued reading and learning. I paid attention to specials on “alternative programs” on public television, snipits on evening news broadcasts about new studies, and even followed some celebrity authors on these subjects. No, I am not a celebrity junkie, but I do understand the power of the media. Celebrities use there fame to get onto talk shows to inform the public about serious issues facing us today.

How to change?

Mostly importantly I understand how hard it is to change our lifestyle. It is so much easier to pop in a frozen dinner or use a pre-made meal in a box for dinner. Who wants to cook when they get home from a high stress job, a long commute and still have homework and bath time all before 9 p.m. I realize not everyone has the benefit of staying home but for our healths sake we have to find the time to make small changes.

OK my fellow family manager moms your day is hard, I know, and you manage A LOT, I know. For all of us it is really a matter of priority in our lives. Do we want to live long or should we be made a part of this big chemical experiment?

How to change? Slowly, yes slowly. Nothing changes overnight.

1. My first goal was to start thinking about the issues and what I was putting n my mouth. Yeah, that’s right, if you just start thinking about the issues discussed here you will start to change because you will inherently know what’s right for your family. There is no one formula for everyone, but a small change, any change, is positive. (For example eating white hard cheese are healthier then orange cheese, there you just made a change.)

2. I simply acknowledged that some of these things talked about regarding health and packaged processed food did affect my life. "Maybe" is a common family illness so are some of those pre-made boxed products in your pantry.

3. And finally I started actively “paying attention.” Look I know your busy in the hustle and bustle of life, but take a moment to pay attention to what’s around you right now. That means if you hear about a study on the news and it sparks your interest, just pay attention. Think about the story and how it impacts your life. Maybe its an online article or newspaper article.

I have listed 3 examples below of what you can “pay attention” to in your life RIGHT NOW. Read the examples below, pick one, do it and then keep reading, and try the next perhaps.

For example:

Do you buy canned fruit – go to where you store them and read on the front label how many cans are with “light syrup, "heavy syrup” or “in natural juice.” When you cant buy fresh fruit, buy canned fruit in its own natural juice. It's cuts down on the excess sugars in the syrup version.

Did you recently spray your home with a disinfectant and you now have that “clean” smell? That's the smell of chemicals in your home. We Americans have been conditioned to think this smells are clean, meaning germ free and keeping us healthy. Not so!

What kind of laundry detergent do you use, what does it say on the Packaging? “Eco-Friendly,” key words like “Free” or “Clear,” or it just says it’ll clean your clothes?

This is my favorite tip::

Go to your medicine cabinet, take a look at your prescriptions, vitamins, lotions potions and get a mental picture – or jot down a few items on a pad of paper. Are you constantly taking mess to calm your stomach, anti acids, allergy relief, etc. maybe the problems what your eating CAUSING you these stomach issues.

Doing nothing and just continuing to do things like we have always done is no longer an option. Whatever it is to male you start to make a change, you'll be glass you did. Start somewhere now. It's not just about me or you anymore, we have babies to care for.

"The days are long, the years are short."

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