Our little cousins had surgery recently. As a home coming gift for him and his siblings we assembled a hospital homecoming gift.
Kids are stellar in play based learning. Kids understand the basics if what's happening to them and these ideas are solidified in play. This was a mommy made gift when I didn't find much in ideas online. I wanted something simple that the kids could play with based on their understanding of the experiences that were happening not only to the sick nearly one-year old, but for his brother and sister, who were also experiencing this illness crisis (because when our kids are sick it really is a crisis).
This little Hospital Homecoming kit makes a fun gift, but it's also a fun simple kids activity to assemble at home too.

Handmade Kids Birthday Gift and Hospital Homecoming, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Kids are stellar in play based learning. Kids understand the basics if what's happening to them and these ideas are solidified in play. This was a mommy made gift when I didn't find much in ideas online. I wanted something simple that the kids could play with based on their understanding of the experiences that were happening not only to the sick nearly one-year old, but for his brother and sister, who were also experiencing this illness crisis (because when our kids are sick it really is a crisis).
This little Hospital Homecoming kit makes a fun gift, but it's also a fun simple kids activity to assemble at home too.
Handmade Kids Birthday Gift and Hospital Homecoming, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Our Homecoming from the Hospital Kit:
- A new Elmo doll
- Elmo wrapped in a stretchy piece of bandage (from home)
- a bandaid on the bandage
- a box / container for our Doctor supplies: a small sponge square, an empty travel size shampoo container (which we use in the tub so we have plenty), a small notebook for writing down symptoms and a pen, get better stickers, pill bottle, bandaid box with 5 real bandages, and a small cup for water or syrup sipping.
Some parents feel children shouldn't open pill bottles, we advocate for teaching responsibility and never playing with real syrups and medicines. Also, parental supervision should be included so the blue bandage which is removable doesn't go around a toddlers neck.
Of course my kids made a handmade get well card too. We don't feel spending loads of cash is necessary to make fun, heartfelt gifts.
Make Mistakes. Breathe, Reflect. And Laugh.Out.Loud
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