I was Heading into downtown Chicago from Loyola University medical center after I dropped my grandmother off for a procedure. We had planned to visit our other grandma at her office while we waited. Traffic was horrid on the 290 Inbound Expressway, so I decided to shortcut into the city and bypass through the Westside. It was fairly early in the morning at 10 AM, that's early for the Westside. We took Madison Avenue inbound. And here's a collection of photos from our experience.
More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
I grew up in Chicago, born and raised. I grew up on the northwest side, however once I started a career I have had some experience and reason to be in the inner-city and the Westside. I've worked with youth groups and at the banks CRA program requiring me to go into low income communities with financial education programs and other outreach funding. My husband, in his early administrative days worked at an Elementary School in Englewood. I visited with my then 2 year old son. Heres a poem about my experiences there and during that time.
More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
There are a significant amount of church's and other counseling and support organizations along the route we took down Madison Ave. Easily over a dozen each of church's + public services. While driving in today I had my younger son and baby girl with me. Now people who are familiar with Chicago might be alarmed the idea that I went through the Westside community with my two kids but again it's a relatively safe time to go if you're going to do it, the go in the morning. I wanted them to see how other people live, so I didn't avoid the area. I wanted them to see what it's like without having money in your life to do what you want (yes, I realize the issue is more complicated then that).

Westside of Chicago, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Here is someones car parked in front. Exceptionally large rims. And this also feeds the message that if your poor why would you buy expensive rims. Partially becaus this is one of the ways to have status in the community.More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
I grew up in Chicago, born and raised. I grew up on the northwest side, however once I started a career I have had some experience and reason to be in the inner-city and the Westside. I've worked with youth groups and at the banks CRA program requiring me to go into low income communities with financial education programs and other outreach funding. My husband, in his early administrative days worked at an Elementary School in Englewood. I visited with my then 2 year old son. Heres a poem about my experiences there and during that time.
More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
There are a significant amount of church's and other counseling and support organizations along the route we took down Madison Ave. Easily over a dozen each of church's + public services. While driving in today I had my younger son and baby girl with me. Now people who are familiar with Chicago might be alarmed the idea that I went through the Westside community with my two kids but again it's a relatively safe time to go if you're going to do it, the go in the morning. I wanted them to see how other people live, so I didn't avoid the area. I wanted them to see what it's like without having money in your life to do what you want (yes, I realize the issue is more complicated then that).
More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Westside of Chicago, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
There are specs of beauty as you can see in these communities. My 2 year old baby girl shouted from the backseat when she saw this long mural, some will call it graffiti, I think whoever did that was pretty darn talented artist.
Westside of Chicago, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Westside of Chicago, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
And then there's this, the mass advertising for shoes!
Westside of Chicago, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
And then there's some of the things that I saw that I didn't explain to the kids, there was a prostitute servicing her John right on the main street sidewalk. When they were done he got up and buckled his pants like nothing happened. Then I saw a few drug deals go down just a few feet and steps away from CPD squad cars.
The community was bustling for that hour of the day, my neighborhood doesn't even have that many people walking around in it at that hour of the morning, which tells me even the Westside community residents know it's a safer time to get around and get your business done in the morning. Even the liquor store is open already at that hour so plenty of people had their bags full for the day.
It's a bit of a shock driving through this area, in my city. I've driven through the old Cabrini Green housing projects, I've been inside an Elementary in Englewood, worked for years at a youth service in Lawndale. I've driven trough "K Town." Granted my outreach was not in depth/ or intense, but I have seen things with my OWN eyes. It's shocking (for me) to see what poverty combine with access to drugs can create this type of emptiness.
Westside of Chicago, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
More Photos from the Westside, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
These corners (waiting at the bus stops) were across the street from each other kitty corner.
The picture (above) of the bus stop near the stop light, notice all the garbage. In my community if this debris wasn't picked up by the city, the community would take care of it.
I have to admit, I understand the Shady Bundy and Donald Sterlings of the world. These men are not educated about the issues - or just don't care - about the vicious cycle that exists in poor inner city life. And I'm certain they haven't seen the communities I have, if they did they'd only blame the people anyway - there is no empathy in racists. Living in Poverty and addiction, amongst philosophies of violence and instant revenge with a gun, is a mix of circumstances so complicated that politicians and lay folk truly don't understand the dynamics. So, similarly to my 84 year old Babcia and my father, we end up blaming people for their own life condition. We cannot even fathom (having come from long lineages of successful families, both poor and wealthy), what it means to be poor, uneducated and addicted, living in violence. I remember the movie where the slum landlord had to go an live in his building by court order for 30 days. It's Hollywood, so of course there's a happy ending, but the point of bringing to life some of the inner city issues was clear. Another great punishment for a racist, like the Donald Sterlings of the world, move them into the city, help them understand the cycle of suppression and poverty.
I won't solve anything here in this post. But at least my kids will be able to empathize and understand the TRUE issues in the inner city poverty cycle. Maybe we can educate the next generation to truly make a difference.
Make Mistakes. Breathe, Reflect, and don't forget to Laugh.Out.Loud.
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