Friday, June 6, 2014

When School and Home ideas dont match, What is a mom supposed to do? Our Parent Job and Homework

My 8-year old son brought home a 3rd grade Math Worksheet. Questions about "prediction: will happen / won't happen / maybe, but I'm not sure." We check homework before returning sheets to school.

I run my house with some rules. We have etiquette rules posted, and then we have some everyday rules. For example, school age children don't watch TV during the school week. (Ever! And our kids are ok with that.) In our house TV is only allowed on weekends. 

As for the homework sheet on Likely and unlikely events,... my son selected "Sure to happen" on "¿Will you watch TV on Saturday?" I agreed.

On "¿Will you travel to the moon?" he originally answered "surely not to happen." We've talked about it before, so I reminded him of the "Mars One 2024 project" to inhabit Mars (we've discussed this often).

When School and Home ideas don't match, What's a mom to do? by areyousureaboutthatblog

Older Son: "but Mom, there's no oxygen on Mars."

Mom: "yes, and the space explorers will create there own atmosphere. But the plan is NOT for them to return to earth either."

He pondered that thought. "Ever?"

Mom: "Never, AND as for human-space travel, we will have an excursion air-travel service to the earth's outer limits called "Zero Gravity" for $150,000 per person by 2015 (Virgin Atlantic Airlines)."

He reconsidered his answer to "maybe, but not sure." Both those answers, disappointingly, were marked wrong by the Substitute...!

My shock and horror!  (Which I kept to myself.) If you read this blog you know we are naturalists at heart and scientist in mind. We discuss facts, make deductions and apply our learnings everyday. making links to other ideas, etc., etc., etc., so I was disappointed at the narrow sightedness here.

When he came home concerned about his low grade... I needed to give home some answer why home and school answers sometimes don't match. And in this case are very different. Sometimes we have more information at home, or our deductive reasoning applied so early in the kids young lives. The substitute teacher doesn't know about our rules. But he's young, and it's too soon to jump into the education debate for him.

So I went the easy route:

Mom: "Sometimes we will have different information at home. As long as you made a logical choice, getting something wrong is ok."

Make Mistakes. Breathe, reflect. And Laugh.Out.Loud

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