Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Encouraging Learning About Nature with Sidewalk Chalk: Easy Toddler Activities

Baby girl often asks " play with me" or "stay with me." And I'm happy to oblige. I see my 8 year old older son and I know these days are fleeting.

We love our go to staple activity of sidewalk chalk. It's easy to store, long lasting, and hours (with endless ideas for play) kind of fun.

Today baby girl asked me to draw something for her. We had just received some "new To me" hand me down books from my brother. A wonderful book was included on amphibians and reptiles. I found my favorite, red eyed tree frog, and began to draw. I asked baby girl "where's the frogs nose," "where's his tail," and "his eyes, mouth?"

Some body parts were evident, some weren't pictured. We talked about his colors, spots, features, etc. She asked to "help you" color in his body... She has the yellow parts covered!

I've learned over my time with the kids that they learn through reading and being read too, but so much of their learning is thru observation, and being immersed in conversation of "something" - in this case, a red eyed tree frog.

The proof is in the pudding - so the saying goes - a few days later baby girl was thumbing thru this same book I left laying in the kitchen table, and she told ME: "mama, this is a red eyed tree frog, here's his eye, here's his toe, he has no tail, it's gone!" She's 2 am a half 1/2 years old... And amazing!!

See more of our learning and fun at areyousureaboutthatblog.blogspot.com

Make mistakes. Breathe, reflect. And Laugh.Out.Loud

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