Everywhere I read about "just always put baby on the breast," no schedule is needed. And usually baby eats every two hours or so, for roughly 20 minutes each side.
In the early 8 weeks my babies would eat CONSTANTLY. My routine was eat for 5, 10, 15 minutes, nap for 10 -30 minutes, eat, nap, eat, nap. So I affected my confidence wondering if somethings wrong. I accepted and loved staying home, I don't need to leave to house, or go to target - I'm here just to care for the baby.
As a mother of three, I wanted to nurse all my babies. With each one there was a small problem here or there.... And I wasn't able to EB (expressly breast) feed.
My poem goes into how this was a challenge, but I made it out of those dark few weeks, realizing that just have the baby at the breast is a wonderful feeling in itself. Yes, there are concerns. But let's talk basics. You Are Feeding Your Baby, Offering a Snack, It's Lovely.
My story in Poetry: Breastfeeding is hard
But for now, here's my poetic take on why:
Breastfeeding is hard
Just put the baby on the breast
And make sure you get plenty of rest
Eat an extra 500 calories a day
And drink lotsa water as much as you may.
Rest ? What's that
I'm exhausted all. the. time.
Eating requires cooking
An for that I'd have to hear you whine
Feed the baby on demand,
A schedule is not at hand.
She'll eat at least 20 minutes on each side,
Just go with the feeding tide.
What's this 20 minute thing?
Baby eats only when she's not sleeping,
at the breast, in my arms, but not at night,
I've been up so long I greet the day light.
Watch the baby to show their satisfied,
6-8 diapers a day u what you'll find.
Rest when baby rests, and watch that she IS getting enough.
As your nursing relationship develops.
My baby cries, ....alot.
It's not colic, and it's her, or my frustration. this is tough.
We found the latch sweet spot,
But it doesn't matter when nursings not.
Lean babys head back, nipple to nose,
Get plenty of breast tissue and on she goes.
Chin first, then her mouth,
Nursing shouldn't hurt even if at first it's a little rough.
My DD latches fine at first,
But then suddenly there's a burst.
Off she slides, and pulls down her chin
And suddenly her lower lip flips in..
See a Lactation consultant and get some help,
Don't worry you ARE making plenty of milk.
Take a supplment like fenugreek or domperidone
You'll smell like maple syrup, an through this you are not alone.
I'm taking 15 pills a day,
Pumping like crazy and my milk stays away.
Baby's latching, on a very red nipple and breast.
And my 3 month old is putting me to the test.
Don't give up, your almost there.
Your making milk, and baby's loving your care.
All babies cry? Look at her diapers and weight gain,
Just thinking you don't have milk is making me insane.
What sux is I'm not enjoying my time with you.
I'm stressed and pumping and supplementing but no more milks
coming thru.
But I just don't know how to give up, I keep going on, but for what?
and it's torture not enjoying this time, but I won't quit, I just can not.
Don't listen to those who ask, "is she getting enough?"
"She's so small, this must be rough."
"I can't believe your doing 'that' when you have those other two."
"Give a little formula so she'll sleep for you."
I'm worried, your crying and It's week number 8,
Your not satisfied and you're not gaining weight.
A few ounces is really it, you didn't gain a lot.
But I keep going because wet diapers you have got.
I'm still here nursing, offering both sides,
I've arrived here satisfied knowing I've tried.
You get the antibodies when you drink my gold,
And night nurse, skin to skin it's best I've been told.
And in the daytime hours we use an SNS,
your not hungry and more content at my breast.
This is a happy baby, she feels satisfied,
And doesn't have the hunger inside.
Out getting groceries I can offer you a snack,
Or at my breast you'll take a nap.
A happy baby is what I want,
This is a good place from what I first got.
Yes I'm bummed out this isn't what I planned,
But some nursing's better then none, it's liquid gold In Hand.
It's not my fault you were tongue tied and a pallet that's high,
A recessed chin, argh! I have no more tears to cry!
Breastfeeding is hard, it's a constant attachment.
But your not a failure if you can't tackle it.
Successful moms even say it's hard, having an infant constantly keeping you behind bars.
I don't know where 20 minutes came from,
There's only a pattern in this hum drum.
So give your baby what you can,
let them suckle and feed very often.
Most women who make it past the 6 week mark,
Will make it outta the dark.
And Feel a joy like no other.
For that of an infant and her nursing mother.
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My story in Poetry: Breastfeeding is hard |
My story in Poetry: Breastfeeding is hard
As a mother of three, I wanted to nurse all my babies. With each one there was a small problem here or there.... And I wasn't able to EB (expressly breast) feed.With my oldest I was turning his head toward the breast (not aligning ear, shoulder, hip). So he couldn't swallow right...Imagine drinking through a pinched straw. The LC wasn't at the hospital over my weekend delivery and I saw her two weeks later, where I expressed drops... of... milk...
With my second son I was simply freaked out that he was constantly at the breast. I was so concerned he wasn't satisfied...even tho he did sleep after nursing. He wasn't gaining weight "quickly enough," so at two months I started supplementing with a SNS. I also pumped after nursing and took fenugreek (15 pills a day). I also took domperidone for two months, which helped my nighttime supply for sure. We expressly night nursed, which was a satisfying nursing relationship.
Now with baby girl, and a ridiculous amount of reading I was determined to EBF!!! She nursed great in the first few hours. Only lost 7% body weight. This was it, success! But as we left the hospital the LC said she was seriously Tongue Tied. Once home she was gaining 1-1.5 ounces a week. The WHO standard for EB fed babies is 3.5-7 ounces a week. At one week she was clipped. But her lower lip kept turning in, I'd flip it out, she'd flip it in. She has a recessed chin impacting the latch. Then my nipple was lipstick shaped, she also has a high palette and wasn't taking in enough breast or having the nipple hit the roof of the mouth...
Can you see that I knew what was wrong and I couldn't do much about it. She wouldn't sleep after nursing, and cried the most from all three babies. She was hungry. So we also supplement with the SNS and night nurse. Of course, I also pumped after nursing and took fenugreek (15 pills a day). When I skipped a feeding or night pumped I consistently had two ounces. She suckles to nap and lotsa snacks. She gets the most breast milk, and we have a happy nursing relationship.
Not allowed for reproduction without permission
by Areyousureaboutthatblog author
Make Mistakes. Breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud
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