I have posted our NO T.V. Schedule here. And this is one of my most popular posts. This is an updated version. And Yes, you will notice there IS TV time in our routine. I mentioned why absolutely NO television or tube time for my older son was a bad choice!
Here you go! A day in the life of a Stay at Home (Family Manager) mom.
Mom's days are busy, all the time! But WHAT do I do? My facebook friends can see the bug collecting, kids outing, and nature stuff. But those are our "outing days" that we squeeze into our reality. And our reality is also busy eventho it can be mundane at times.
My highlights are the moments with my kids. Reading books, at the park, playing outside, and cuddling - because there's always time for cuddling!
I think of my day in parts. In blocks of time where "I have responsibilities" to fullfill or in blocks of time that "I can fill:"
Daily Time Blocks
7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Morning routine to get to school.
8:30 - 11:30 a.m. get thing done like errands outside the house if needed.
And coffee!!
11:30 - 2:00 p.m. lunch and nap time for baby girl. I either nap with her or get a project list item worked on.
2:00 - 6:00 p.m. after school responsibilities and dinner.
7:00 p.m. Bedtime routine
9:00 p.m. Hopefully the day is over and we are looking forward to tomorrow.
Morning Routine
6:45 am Alarm goes off
Hopefully I've awoken before it rings and turned over. I still snooze until 7:00 (terrible habit, I know).
7:05 get up
Usually 1-2 boys are already dressed or getting dressed
Either get dressed for the day, or if I lack motivation stay in PJs.
Breakfast for the kids.
Make lunches + 1 snack for older son.
Walk to school and back (get in first batch of 2,000 steps).
Back home...
8:20 a.m.
Make coffee.
Get baby girl started on cartoons.
Preview Facebook and Twitter News.
Usually I:
Daily load of laundry, 1 washed 1 folded.
Put said laundry away.
In between play with baby girl, put a puzzle together, we are constantly chatting.
But today we are going grocery shopping. So I got dressed when we came back from drop off, and got coffee! Last night I made a yummy tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner. It's been a cold Spring and we are in the mood for chili. By 9:00 am we are at the store. First at Target looking for a white straw hat for an event I have coming up. No luck.
Completed shopping, then pick up and drop off my Babcia at 11:00 a.m. She's sending a gift package to Poland. I usually drop her off at the mail facility. She likes taking the bus back home.
Usually: by 10:00 a.m.
Get dressed for the day if I haven't already (Its ubber important for me to dress well, and show my kids the same).
Dress baby girl.
Pack a snack if needed.
10:30 a.m.
Run errands.
11:30 a.m.
Return home for lunch. Then nap time.
Then I can do something I want to do, hobby wise, or a project with baby girl.
Today tho I am cooking.
Get home. Unpack groceries. Baby girl plays in toy room.
Start cooking that chili. Recipi is here.
Make a sandwich for lunch and eat.
We eat in the kitchen and read a book, or chat, or color to help baby girl eat.
12:45 p.m. it's her nap time so we read a book, or two. Then play music so she can fall asleep. (I have played gentle music for my kids to fall asleep to since their birth!)
Sometimes I nap with her (since I need it and these snuggle moments are fleeting).
Today I have some tasks that I can do by baby girl. My chili needs to simmer for an hour. By 1:15 she's asleep.
I am on pinterest looking at how to make my own derby hat (for an upcoming event).
Afternoon Routine
2:00 I make a cup of tea and check the chili. (I am trying to cut back on my coffee intake so I am less irritable.)
At 2:15 my alarm will go off for school pick up reminder.
Wake baby girl, give her something to drink, use the bathroom, get ready (my next 2,000 steps) to pick up the boys from school. Shoes, coats.
We pick up the boys and talk on the way home about their day, school work, and our girls day too. We often talk into homework time.
3:15 or so, if we didn't stop at the park we tend to be back with the boys in tow. They empty backpacks, lunch bags and change into play clothes. Unuforms go on their chairs for the next day, check pants for stains and get a fresh shirt. I prep snack. Baby girl trails them to hear about their day or play.
Snack and start homework Routine
4:00 p.m. Homework. I stay with the boys to help and start dinner.
Baby girl gets a project or plays.
5:00 p.m. homework is over, younger son gets to play while older son finishes up - at the kitchen table or the desk in his room.
Dinner Routine and Some Playtime
We either wait for dad to get home to eat between 5:30-6:00 or start on our own if he is going to be late. Kids will do chores as needed like empty the dishwasher, put clothes away or sweep, feed the dog, wipe up spills, clear tables etc.
Set the dinner table with the kids help.
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Helping with Garden chores and picking Red Current Bushes |
Bedtime Routine
7:00 p.m. Get ready for bed.
Baths or showers. Change into PJs, brush our teeth.
7:30 Snuggles, secret feet tucks and read a book before bed. Hopefully we are done by 8:00 p.m. And I don't mind the hour commitment here.
And so there goes the day!
Previously over the years I would stay up and fold a basket of laundry, work on a project, watch TV and have a cup of tea. But then I find myself exhausted for the next day. Instead I get into bed. I chat with my husband, read, watch something on Netflix on the iPad, Pinterest, or mostly go to sleep.
And so the day starts again... Tomorrow.
Fridays are the start of the weekend!!
I make it a point to do a hobby or project list stuff on Friday. Otherwise I don't make much progress on "me" and "family" projects. I have found myself feeling less motivated too. Irony!!! Because I am energetic, idea filled and enthused all the time. And then my motivation lacks. I'll figure this out and get back on track. Thus Fridays are me days.
I make a project list so I can keep track of everything that needs to get done... And for the joy of crossing off the list! I'll have to post my to do list: and what keeps me busy in between my responsibilities.
Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud
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