Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Chicago City Kids at the LaPorte County Fair, 2014 - Summer Bucket List must do. Part III

We love the LaPorte county fair! It's rural fun at it's finest. Apart from the junk food joy my kids like we also really like the nature centered and REAL life learning for us City Kids. Entry is $5 for adults, kids under 12 Are free. Carnival rides And games are extra.

1st stop is the gold fish fishing challenge. If you fish in the morning, you're guarenteed to carry around your $1 goldfish winning catch all day.

My younger son didn't like the authentic smell of the animal Showing Area

Fun ol' fashion games

In the back of this 1st stall were some crafts. Exit the back door into the carnival OR we turned right and walked the Prarie flowers and explored the path. And look at this great bee identification sign, helped with IDs for our recent burrowing beetles found in evanston, and the all black worker bees found collecting earlier this year.

One of our first stops was the 4H fair. Here younger son discovered the Lego builds that kids made.

It was one of his highlights of the day. He's our Lego monster! We also found over 50 boards dedicated to bug collecting... Moms spent 30 minutes exploring :-)

Make mistakes, breathe, reflect. And Laugh.Out.Loud

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