Thursday, February 16, 2017

Exploring Tattoos for Mommy

As a mom I love everything kids, and animals and of course insects. I have always admired tattoos and wanted one. I am decisive after an extensive amount of time in exploring options. When I see something, I will usually modify it and then be thrilled to move forward. And so I am exploring. I am now 41 years old, but I wanted to have a tattoo for my 40th. I just couldn't decide.

Yes i know it is an artistic expression, and Yes I know it truly is not about WHAT you pick, more so that I just pick something. But i want an expression of me, an expression of who I am. I will pick it, and with a little more time have a choice made.

I know I want subtle use of black and more color included. Yes more expensive but I want it beautiful. It will probably be birds representing my babies. And each bird in the child's current favorite color. We have not changed favorite colors in some time now (as kids usually change favorites by the month).

So my explorations have become screen shots from exploring the web and Pinterest. Here is what I have found so far. Included here as an album for viewing,... click the arrows to scroll thru.  Let me know which one you like - I will post and update when I have completed the process and gotten some ink.

Tattoos and tats for mom

Make mistakes, breathe. deeply during the tattooing, reflect and Laugh. Out. Loud.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Well You are a Bossy Little Girl

When I was a little girl I remember being told "you are bossy," on a regular basis. "Don't be like that, NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU." I still hear it today. In my head.

I had very strong emotions as a child, yes I cried when I lost at checkers to my cheating grandfather and uncle's. Of course it didn't help that they teased me when I lost which encourage the crying. But I digress.

I was a little bossy pants, I often lead the games that we played after school. I frequently made the rules and told the other kids how to play want to play where to play. I remember the nuns at school telling me that nobody likes a bossy girl. Our next-door neighbor who's two boys I played with would tell me that I'm too bossy for being a girl.

Even my dear old dad, who I would say has taught me a lot about leadership and what not to do, would tell me that I'm too bossy.

Every Little Girl who is told she is bossy, should be told instead she has GREAT
leadership skills. - My inner child.

When I reflect on this, I think I only have one more thing to add. This morning at 10 o'clock I'll be running and a conference call for my clients project that I am handling.

Stay strong little girls. I simply tell my daughter to be polite in her bossy moments. When she is telling other kids what to do, I remind her to be nice in her words, not sassy. I don't want her to be considered the "B" word, as can often happen. Sometimes it's not What you say, it really is How you say it.

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Summer Bucket List - Second week of Summer

Second week of Summer 2015

We have had a wonderful start to the summer. Logging long days, early mornings, and we are only in our first week with all 3 kids. My younger sons school dismissal was a week earlier then older sons.

The Summer Routine

Being a mom, staying at home, can feel mundane. You are a slave to the stove, snack queen, mediator of the sibling rivalry, etc. Etc. 

While I am making pancakes this morning, a moment of I can't believe I'm cooking again overtook me. However we aren't rushing. Eventho i sort of put this burden on myself since we dont eat cereal every morning, the kids eat something fresh everyday! Toast and fruit, leftovers, potatoe pancakes, etc. Today I am making pancakes from scratch, but we are not rushed, so I can use a skillet, and put a pat of butter before I lattle each batch. If course its more time consuming, but ridiculously yummy too!! We are on summer break, why rush? The schedule today calls for some vintage shopping and the beach.

The kids get plates and forks for breakfast, my older son came in the kitchen mid pancake making and started playing the iPad songs. As I finish they are discussing their dreams, Men in Black and Donna Summers "I survive" which is playing, and baby girl was practicing her ballet spins. 

As we eat We will talk about the plan for the day and "make a plan." 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Moms Summer Bucket List

Summer Bucket List 2015

We are enjoying our 3rd Summer, and celebrating the nearly three months of fun with a Bucket list. As we approach the end of the school year we draft our list of things we want to do over the summer. Then of course when the kids aren't nearby mom at the things that are education related that I would like to accomplish over summer. Pinterest helps me find lots of different ideas and I do keep a summer bucket list on Pinterest. When you come across things during the year it's nice to be quickly reminded when you want to find the idea, that's where Pinterest is a brilliant idea. 

Of course my kids are brilliant at their ideas out. We don't need the time to Pinterest because some of the things they come up with are just fantastic and simple. My older son can write already so he comes up with his list draft of himself. Younger son and baby girl brainstorm with mom and I jot down their ideas. The reason I write down their ideas because it's showing them the credibility that what they say adds value to our conversation and what we want to do with our lives.

In my business life I am a marketing and event planning consultant. My strengths are in the planning, project management process, as well as budget management. So the skills translate into my personal life and to many summers and spending with my family out and about. Lots of our Summer Bucket List is lots of things that are for free, and within the surrounding Chicagoland area (have car - will travel).

So the next series of posts that I am drafting, will include the adventures on our summer bucket list 2015, The weekly playdates with our cousins and friends that live in the surrounding area, as well as our lazy days we enjoy often. 

As an aside, on my personal bucket list will be how to capture obvious fantastic moments that we share into a photo album. I struggle with keeping up on our scrapbook/photo albums. I still have to make my baby girls maybe scrapbook and it's three years later. And touching up my younger son's scrapbook, and I'm throwing all our 2000 and pictures into a Photo album. And fairly good at checking into places on my Facebook page as well as posting pictures from the days events, and I heard there's some great apps out Facebook pictures into an album, and I think this may be my solution or summer bucket list by year. 

Happy Summer 2015!

Make Mistakes, breathe, reflect and Laugh.Out.Loud 
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