Raising 3 kids - two little gentleman and baby girl. What have I done? I have brought three people into this crazy world. . . . and now I need to teach them some mommy stuff. To see the family adventures live, watch our YOUTUBE Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2m As our blog grows so do we, our family hobby is insect collecting, and travels. These blogs are about mommy observations in our day to day lives, in real life photos showing us as we grow.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Ladybug Collecting at the End of Summer
Wood ash as a Silverware Polish removes Tarnish
My baby girl holding a spoon I lifted from a hotel awards ceremony where I won my first corporate award. I kept the spoon as a keepsake. Luckily my career has NOT tarnished as much as this spoon has.
I dipped the spoon in the wood ash, and rubbed it in. I used very little elbow grease. . . And this amazing change happened so quickly, nearly complete tarnish removal.
Wood ash as a Silverware Polish removes Tarnish, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
After my great-aunt passed, my grandmother passed along her Russian Silverware set to me (she kept her sisters).
Why let this beautiful silverware sit in a drawer (a box actually)? So the silverware box has been up-cycled for our bug collection, and this gorgeous unique set it getting use everyday. And the kids love it too. Granted the soup spoon is a little large for their mouths (and mine), but they still like using the set. Maybe just because it's new? But there's something to be said about the history you can hold in your hand.
Wood ash as a Silverware Polish removes Tarnish, a photo by areyousureaboutthatblog on Flickr.
Make Mistakes. Breathe, reflect, and Laugh.Out.Loud