Timeouts suck. Even when you explain to the kid what they did wrong - they still don't know! And sitting in a corner - bored out of their mind - doesn't teach them anything.
Yes we need to be consistent with our kids. Yes we need to be strict on the rules but LOVING on the implementation.
When my kids are naughty I follow
these rules.
Make eye contact.
Tell your child/ren in a calm firm voice what behavior/ thing they did that you didn't like. (THIS act of telling them they did something wrong IS this punishment. The kid feels shame that they disappointed you. They don't need a timeout to think about it because they wont stop thinking).
Ask them to try and do it differently next time. Maybe they tell you how they can change their behavior.
Send them on their way.
Often times my boys come back later that day or the next to talk again about the behavior and how we can be "our very best" Next time it happens.
No timeouts required.
My middle boy on a walk tonight pushed his sister down, after being asked not too do that exact behavior only moments prior. He stood there and cried. He knew he'd done something wrong. I simply asked what could we do better next time? "Not push my sister." Done. And it was over. There may or may not be a push in our future, but I do like not having to punish and allowing my kids the ability to self correct.
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